hardy-iglu is a test release build from the sources available in the LinuxMCE-0804 branch of SVN. It is missing several components of which the sources are not publicly available.
Versions available
The currently available version is alpha0, which is broken in numerous ways. This release was only intended to see if the installer works, and perhaps to provide a base for further development.
The alpha0 release is broken pretty badly and definitely not suited for actual use. This release is only available as a CD installer for the i386 platform, note that one of the ISO images is currently to big to fit on a CD.
The Iglu ISO images can currently be downloaded from one of Zaerc's personal servers (please note that this server is not intended for massive downloading, and will likely be replaced with a torrent if this uses up to much resources).
You should also check at least the MD5Sums of the Iglu images and compare them to the ones listed in this file: 000_MD5SUMS.txt
It needs to be installed on a clean (not upgraded!) Kubuntu-8.04 desktop install (not 8.04.1!), and there are 2 packages (do not install or upgrade any others) that need to be installed before the lmce installer can be run successfully, like this:
apt-get update apt-get install dpkg-dev msttcorefonts
Other than that, the instructions of the regular Installation Guide apply, except for the versions used.
In a nutshell:
- Install Kubutu-8.04 desktop from the live-CD.
- Install the dpkg-dev and msttcorefonts packages in advance as shown above.
- Copy the 3 ISOs (Iglu-0804_alpha0.i386.CD1.iso, Iglu-0804_alpha0.i386.CD2.iso and kubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso) over to the fresh Kubuntu-8.04 desktop install.
- Mount Iglu-0804_alpha0.i386.CD1.iso, install the mce-installer_2.0.1-1_i386.deb package and unmount the ISO again.
- Run the installer by clicking the icon on the desktop, when it asks for the CDs simply point it at the corresponding ISO instead.
- Walk away and check back in an hour or so.
After the install has finished, edit the sources.list file to look something like this:
deb file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./ deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted multiverse universe deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-security main restricted multiverse universe deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted multiverse universe deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free deb http://debian.slimdevices.com/ stable main
Note that you may have a different ubuntu mirror than nl.archive.ubuntu.com that is probably more suitable, depending on what you chose during the installation of Kubuntu-8.04 of course. After modifying the sources.list file run the following commands:
wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | apt-key add - apt-get update
The installer also breaks the /etc/init.d/mysql script, it now fails to stop the database without generating an error. This can be corrected by commenting out the line containing "linuxmce". Here's an easy way to do just that:
sed '/linuxmce/s/^.*$/#&/' -i /etc/init.d/mysql
The "distribution variable" is incorrectly set to the value for Gutsy, correct it by running the following command:
sed 's/PK_Distro = [0-9]*/PK_Distro = 16/' -i /etc/pluto.conf
Next you might want to update your system as described below.
Known problems
Please add all the issues you can find below, and/or add your name to the list of people confirming (simply sign it with ~~~).
General issues
Missing button graphics
- Several buttons appear to be missing in the setup wizard, probably just one or more missing graphics.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Add software list
- The "Add Software" list is empty, this probably needs to be filled somewhere, see also "workarounds" below.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Junk in sources.list
- There are entries for old repositories that keep being added to the sources.list, needs further investigation.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Telecom (fixed)
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Missing mobile-orbiter binaries
- Sending the MobileOrbiter software to the phone fails as the binaries weren't build, however it does work if the orbiter was already installed on the phone by a previous version of lmce.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
- LIRC is not working (the patched replacement packages need updating to a later version, see updates below).
Confirmed by: hgait
Missing button graphics
- Several graphics for buttons ("Remote", "Options" and "Play All") are missing from the video file list screen.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Media Playback
- Playback issue where the video is only visible when the UI is on-screen
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Workarounds and fixes
Installing libdvdcss and/or w32codecs
After following the post-install instructions, these can easily be installed manually.
apt-get update apt-get install libdvdcss2 #if you want libdvdcss apt-get install w32codecs #if you want the w32codecs
Confirmed by:
External Media Identifier
The External Media Identifier fails to start, this is because it wasn't build as the sources are not available, however it can be installed successfully using the 0710 "id-my-disc_1.8.ub0710_i386.deb" package. After doing the Updates listed below, it can conveniently be installed with apt-get (or even with the adept package manager on the KDE Desktop).
apt-get install id-my-disc
Alternatively the External Media Identifier can be turned off by disabling it in the web-admin's "devices tree".
Asterisk can be fixed by adding a few directives to the /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file, you can either edit the file directly, or use the following command:
cat >>/etc/asterisk/modules.conf <<EOF noload => app_directory_odbc.so noload => app_voicemail_odbc.so noload => app_voicemail_imap.so EOF
Unsure if this is needed (but it was on Zaerc's system), change ownership of asterisk's config files:
chown asterisk: -R /etc/asterisk
Some updated VDR packages have been built manually, which are available after performing the update (see below). Apart from following the regular VDR instructions, (Zaerc also had to) create a directory with proper permissions as follows:
mkdir -p /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00 chown vdr /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00 chmod g+w /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00
Afterwards (re)start VDR with
/etc/init.d/vdr restart
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Confirmed Working
- The mce-installer.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
- The flickr photo screen saver.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
- Diskless Media Director.
Confirmed by: Zaerc (automatic setup of i386 MD, after update below)
- The Symbian-60(v2) Mobile-Orbiter, provided that the software was already installed on the device by a previous version of lmce.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
Confirmed by: Zaerc (older firmware that requires manual setup)
- CM11.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
- KDE Desktop.
Confirmed by: Zaerc
- Mythtv works in a fashion still testing more
Confirmed By hgait
There are updated packages available, add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
deb http://penemue.zaerc.com/linuxmce/ hardy-iglu universe multiverse deb http://penemue.zaerc.com/linuxmce/ hardy-iglu-updates universe
By default the mce-installer pins the system to a certain version in order to block upgrades, this needs to be undone with the following command:
mv /etc/apt/preferences /etc/apt/preferences.save
Then you can update your system to the latest version of hardy using the following commands:
apt-get update apt-get -y dist-upgrade dpkg -l zaptel-modules >/dev/null 2>&1 && apt-get install -y zaptel-modules-2.6.24-27-generic dpkg -l alsa-modules >/dev/null 2>&1 && apt-get install -y alsa-modules-2.6.24-27-generic reboot
Alternatively it should be possible to use a graphical package manager like KDE's adept, which can be installed as followed:
apt-get install -y adept
To update the basis used to create the diskless Media Directors (PlutoMD-i386.tar.bz2), run the following commands on your updated system:
/usr/pluto/bin/Diskless_BuildDefaultImage.sh /usr/pluto/bin/Diskless_CreateTBZ.sh
Be patient this can take quite a while.
Recently updating the MDs may give the following errors:
polkit-read-auth-helper: needs to be setgid polkituser
polkit-auth: NotAuthorizedToReadAuthorizationsForOtherUsers: uid 0 is not authorized to read authorizations for uid 107 (requires org.freedesktop.policykit.read)
Which can be fixed by executing the following commands as root on the MD in question:
apt-get install policykit --reinstall apt-get install -f
Or if that doesn't work for some reason, you can fix it manually by setting proper ownership and permissions:
chgrp polkituser /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-* chmod g+s /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-* chmod g-s /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-grant-helper-pam
Issues addressed
- Modules for newer kernel version (up to 2.6.24-27-generic).
- Subtitles crashing Xine_Player [issue #4200].
- Patched LIRC updated to version 0.8.3~pre1-0ubuntu7.1+lmce2 (corresponding with hardy-update's).
- Manually built VDR packages included now.
- Updated web-admin including the fixes from Jondecker76 and Malard.
- Updated the proxy orbiter to include Tschak909's push-fix for the Cisco 7970.