How To Approve A sqlCVS batch
From LinuxMCE
Anonymous commits into sqlCVS need to be approved manually.
This is done from any LinuxMCE installation. Before approving a batch, the local sqlCVS database needs to be up-to-date. Easiest done using the web admin sqlCVS / Update for the relevant repo.
After the update happened, the approval of the batch is done using the following command line.:
/usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS -H -D "pluto_main" -R "3999" -r "repo" -t "" -U "username~password" approve
- Replace repo with the name of the repository.
- Replace username~password with sqlCVS credentials.
If you know know the batch number you want to approve, use -b batch-no on the command line.
/usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS -H -D "pluto_main" -R "3999" -b "batchno" -r "repo" -t "" -U "username~password" approve