Installing kubuntu 1004 on virtualbox
From LinuxMCE
Installing Kubuntu 10.04
- In the power settings for the host OS disable the screen saver and set it to not go to sleep.
- Ensure that you have 2 virtual nics setup, I have 1 for NAT (eth0) and 1 for Internal (eth1)
- While not a requirement, it's highly advisable to allocate more than 1 CPU and ensure virtualization is enabled in the BIOS for performance
- Insert your Kubuntu 10.04 install disk or download an 32-bit .iso image of Kubuntu 10.04
- Start the virtual machine and Click next at the First Run Wizard
- Choose the drive that your disk is in under Media Source
- Click the folder icon to the left of the media source drop-down menu and browse to the .iso image you downloaded earlier
- Click Finish and let the Install disk start and click Install Kubuntu.
- When the installer comes up DO NOT click update this installer.
- Go through the installer choosing the options that best suit you.
- I had trouble with the installer finishing so i skipped the files at the end, it gives you the option to skip around 80% (im going to do more testing to figure out why)
- Reboot
- When kubuntu is loading and the screen turns teal you have to hit esc once and then let it go until the login comes up.
- Bring up a terminal and enter:
- sudo -i
- apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade <--takes a while, go eat something.
- apt-get install dkms build-essential
- apt-get remove plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo
- Reboot
- Under the Devices menu at the top click Install Guest Additions
- Open a terminal window and enter:
- cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.0.2_69518/ (the numbers may differ for you, just check the name of the cd that was mounted)
- sudo ./
- Open the system settings window, click on the advanced tab then on desktop search and uncheck Enable Nepomuk Semantic Desktop. (this will make it less slugish at boot)
- Now is a good time to take a snapshot by going to the Machine menu at the top and clicking Take Snapshot, as you should have a fully functioning OS.
- Upon installing 1004, during the setup wizard i'd recommend using ui1 instead of 2 as it will slam the VM processor