Some 12 years of Debian experience might be enough to start using LinuxMCE, just not much experience in keeping up wiki's
Assembled the following hardware:
- MoBo: MSI 770-C45
- CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 620
- RAM:(4GB) OCZ Platinum Low Voltage OCZ3P1333LV4GK
- CPU cooler: Scythe Mugen 2 Rev. B
- GPU: Club3D 9400GT HDMI Passive.
- HD: 3x Samsung EcoGreen F2 EG HD154UI, 1.5TB
- PSU: Nexus NX-5000 R3 530W; nice and silent if only the case fans could also perform that silent.
- Case: Chieftec CA-01B-B-SL, a bit big, but lots of space for air circulation
- TV-card: Hauppauge WinTV HVR-4000
Media Director
- MoBo: MSI 770-C45
- Case: Silverstone LC17
- CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 215
- CPU Cooler:Scythe Ninja Mini Rev. B
- GPU: Club3D 9400GT HDMI Passive.
- PSU: Nexus Value 430
- Infrared Tranceiver: IguanaIR
- Nokia N800
- Nokia N810
Issues encountered
It is pretty modern hardware in comparison with Kubuntu-Intrepid, so I suspect some mods and tweaks are nessecary to get things running. Would be nice when the LMCE-heroes finish the migration to 10.04 LTS.
First add the IguanaIR repository to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb-src source/ deb binary-i386/ deb binary-amd64/
(Since MCE is 32-bits only, the last line is actually not necessary) Then go to a clean directory
(for example: sudo mkdir /usr/local/src/Lirc;cd /usr/local/src/Lirc) And issue
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install iguanair sudo apt-get build-dep lirc sudo apt-get -b source lirc
Initially Intrepid suffered from permission issues; somehow root could not read from the proper device, solved this bij setting the UID of the user iguanair equal to 0.0 (making it root).
Subsequently installed LMCE, bt the device was not recognised out-of-the-box by the LMCE installer, need to look further into it another time.
Kernel: MoBo NIC & GPU
The on-board NIC (RTL 8111/8168B) is not supported by Intrepid's native desktop kernel. The first homebuilt kernels (according to How To Compile A Kernel - The Ubuntu Way.) got this card running out of the box, but in all my from-scratch kernel configuration attempts, the NVIDIA kernel driver was broken.
I then copied the config of the correct operational Maverick Meerkat distribution kernel to the source of the ditto kernel and forged a new kernel package from that.
The NIC is supported (easy) and the compiled NVIDIA (v260.19.12) kernel driver appears to be loadable. Upon MCE -installation I suppose this will be automagically replaced by the nvidia distribution package.
installation MCE alpha-2
- 2010 07 29: installation of current mce 810. Screwed thing up with grub and NVIDIA drivers.
- 2010 11 09 : Reinstalled Intrepid, its sources have been removed from Ubuntu's main site, need to use the archives:
deb intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb-src intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse deb intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse deb-src intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse
Some repo's appear to be missing, fortunatly someone posted the following at the forum:
deb intrepid main restricted universe multiverse deb intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse deb intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse