From LinuxMCE
HP MicroServer Gen8 running ESXi 6.0 U3
- Processor: Intel Xeon E1260L
- Graphics: Matrox G200
- RAM: 16GB (2 x 8GB) Kingston KTH-PL313E/8G
- NIC HP HP NC332i Dual GB:
*Vswitch WAN: Internal NIC GB with built in iLo4 *Vswitch LAN: Internal NIC GB
- Storage:
*System cache: SATA SSD 120GB *Datastore: 4x3TB Western Digital RED @ RAID 10
- TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR 2205 PCIe
- Aeon Labs Zstick Gen5
- APC-UPS connected with USB cable
- 1404 AMD64 VM (production)
- 1604 AMD64 VM (experimental)
- VMWare Photon VM as Docker engine 1 (TimeCapsule, Plex Media Server)
- VMWare Photon VM as Docker engine 2 (Unifi Controller, PocketMine, OScam)
- VMWare Photon VM as VMWare Admiral
- Windows Server 2016 VM
- VMWare vSphere Management Assistant (vMA)
Headless Core
- 8 vCPU
- 4 GB RAM
- 100 GB system VMDK
- 2000 GB media VMDK
- TV Tuner: Hauppauge HVR 2205 PCIe (using Swedish provider Boxer)
- Aeon Labs Zstick Gen5
- APC-UPS connected with USB cable
- MD: ASRock ION 3D 152B - 1,8GHz DC 2GB 320GB BD/DVD±RW
- TV: LG 60PK250N 60" Plasma @1080p (RS232)
- Receiver: Denon AVR-X2200W (Ethernet)
- Media: Roku 2XS (Network)
- Media: Apple TV4 (Not controlled)
- Game: Sony PS3 (Not controlled)
Master Bedroom
- MD: Acer Aspire Revo R3610 - 1,6GHz DC 2GB 320GB
- TV: LG 50" @1080p (RS232)
- Media: Apple TV3 (Not controlled)
- Squeezebox Radio
- MD: Acer Aspire Revo R3610 - 1,6GHz DC 2GB 320GB
- TV: Finlux 32" @720p (HDMI-CEC)
- Squeezelite from Core, In-Ceiling speakers
- MD: Acer Aspire Revo R3610 - 1,6GHz DC 2GB 320GB
- TV: Sony 32" @720p (HDMI-CEC)
Outside Audiozone
- Squeezebox Duet, In-Ceiling speakers recessed in eaves
- Squeezebox Radio
We have no remotes in the house, only our iPhones and one iPad. Cant wait for qOrbiter
I have a ZWave Zstick in the core, controlling the following:
- Livingroom:Chandilers, downlights in window recess, window lamp, floor lamp and dresser.
- Laundryroom:window lamp.
- Bath: Chandiler, downlight in window recess and downlights under commode
- Entrance: Downlights in window recess and ceiling light.
- Kitchen: Downlights in window recess, counter and ceiling light.
- Diningroom: Chandiler.
- Lounge: Downlights in window recess.
- Office: Downlights in window recess, chandiler and window lamp.
- Hallway Upstairs: Ceiling downlights.
- Ceiling lights and downlights in window recess in each kid room.
- Outside: Exterial Light controlled with Sunset scenario.
Im using Affinity Telecom as provider, the phone system works very good =)
- Doro IP880Dect
- Cisco 7912
VDR working as i want. Im using it as only tv-source for Swedish provider Boxer
Wish list
- Audiozone in shower room
- Cisco 7960 or even better 7970
- Climate and ventilation control
- Cameras
- Integrate my Risco Agility3 alarmsystem