Window manager
Icewm notes
Almost all user interaction was disabled.
We use only 2 desktops:
desktop 1 is the normal desktop, and should be always selected desktop 2 is the desktop used for hidding windows that should not appear
Icewm supports 7 layers. We use only 3 layers for windows:
OnTop, Normal, Below.
If 2 windows are on the same layer, then the last activated one is over the other.
Keys for testing and debugging
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Pointer_Button1
hold key and drag to move the window under cursor
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Pointer_Button3
hold key and drag to resize the window under cursor
- Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Del
press R to restart icewm
If the icewm configuration is changed, icewm need to be restarted. It will keep the windows on the same position and the same desktop.
- Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Esc
show the window list
In the window list, arrow keys allow to select a window, Enter to activate that window. Activating a window will activate it's desktop, too.
Debugging and testing
If one wants to do some debugging, like showing the taskbar or the window border, go to the end of ~/.icewm/preferences and uncomment those lines.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Del and R (Restart) to load the new configuration in Icewm
Icewm Taskbar
After the taskbar is activated in ~/.icewm/preferences:
- the lower-right button (>) will hide it
- the lower-right button (<) will show it again
- the taskbar is on the "OnTop" layer, so it may be below other windows
- right-click on a task will bring up a menu, used to control that app
- some items in the task menu are marked with a symbol
-- this mark show the current application status
- some items in the task-menu are deactivated
-- because the application does not support that action
-- or because that action was deactivated in icewm config files
-- or because that action is not available right now (i.e. cannot be maximized twice)
icewm.cfg is the LinuxMCE-config-directory for icewm ~/.icewm is the one known by icewm
Copy ( or make a symbolic link to ) it in the user's $HOME directory i.e.: cp -a icewm.cfg ~/.icewm
Icewm-session will launch the window manager and all programs needed by Icewm. It should be started after X11, instead of icewm.
Original Document