Parental Control
From LinuxMCE
LinuxMCE is installed in family environments with children of different ages. Lots of parents would like to limit the stuff that is available for the kids to see.
Create a way to mark media attributes as allowed and not allowed to be viewed/listened to.
The web admin interface is great for adding data into the system.
There will be a new table called Attribute_Allowance. This table contains FK_Attribute, MustMeet, NotAllowed, FK_Users.
- FK_Users points to kid 16 y/o
- FK_Attribute points to PG13
- MustMeet = False
- NotAllowed = False
- FK_Attribute points to R
- MustMeet = False
- NotAllowed = True
- FK_Attribute points to Action
- MustMeet = False
- NotAllowed = False
- FK_Users points to kid 6 y/o
- FK_Attribute points to PG13
- MustMeet = False
- NotAllowed = True
- FK_Attribute points to R
- MustMeet = False
- NotAllowed = True
- FK_Attribute points to Action
- MustMeet = False
- NotAllowed = True
- FK_Attribute points to Children
- MustMeet = True
- NotAllowed = False