Adding support for floorplan devices
This page was written by Pluto and imported with their permission when LinuxMCE branched off in February, 2007. In general any information should apply to LinuxMCE. However, this page should be edited to reflect changes to LinuxMCE and remove old references to Pluto. |
I needed support for brightness sensors - particularly to display them on floorplan with current values. Since this procedure probably resembles adding support for other devices too, I'm posting my notes...
Major steps :
1. create proper template for device (watch proper category and parent settings)
2. create coresponding event, that will be used to report current values for floorplan device' state
3. add proper icon and other data in database
Since steps 1.-3. were already made for brightness sensors, I did only steps that follow below. I guess Dan can describe steps 1. to 3. much better...
First I wanted to discover how this feature already works for temperature sensors...
It goes like this :
First there is event called "Temperature changed" that reporting device (home automation controller for instance) creates with parameter of current temperature value. Message gets through DCERouter to Climate Plugin that does this
else if( pMessage->m_dwMessage_Type==MESSAGETYPE_EVENT && pMessage->m_dwID==EVENT_Temperature_Changed_CONST ) { // Replace the current temp string sLevel = pMessage->m_mapParameters[EVENTPARAMETER_Value_CONST]; string sCurrentState = pDevice->m_sState_get(); string::size_type pos = sCurrentState.find('('); if( pos!=string::npos ) sCurrentState = sCurrentState.substr(0,pos-1); // Get rid of the current temp pDevice->m_sState_set(sCurrentState + " (" + sLevel + ")"); }
void Climate_Plugin::PreprocessClimateMessage(DeviceData_Router *pDevice,Message *pMessage)
and sets state of device to reported value.
Then Orbiter plugin at line 1367 and procedure
void Orbiter_Plugin::CMD_Get_Current_Floorplan(string sID,int iPK_FloorplanType,string *sValue_To_Assign,string &sCMD_Result,Message *pMessage)
does this (line 1429) :
FloorplanInfoProvider is actually coresponding plugin that provides more info about floorplan object. In Climate plugin there is this procedure :
void Climate_Plugin::GetFloorplanDeviceInfo(DeviceData_Router *pDeviceData_Router,EntertainArea *pEntertainArea,int iFloorplanObjectType,int &iPK_FloorplanObjectType_Color,int &Color,string &sDescription,string &OSD,int &PK_DesignObj_Toolbar) { switch(iFloorplanObjectType) { case FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_CLIMATE_THERMOSTAT_CONST: PK_DesignObj_Toolbar=DESIGNOBJ_grpThermostatControls_CONST; break; case FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_CLIMATE_THERMOMETER_CONST: PK_DesignObj_Toolbar=0; break; case FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_CLIMATE_WEATHER_STATION_CONST: PK_DesignObj_Toolbar=0; break; case FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_CLIMATE_DAMPER_CONST: PK_DesignObj_Toolbar=0; break; case FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_CLIMATE_POOL_CONST: PK_DesignObj_Toolbar=DESIGNOBJ_grpPoolControls_CONST; break; case FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_CLIMATE_SPRINKLER_CONST: PK_DesignObj_Toolbar=DESIGNOBJ_grpSprinklerControls_CONST; break; }; if( (OSD=pDeviceData_Router->m_sState_get())=="OFF" ) iPK_FloorplanObjectType_Color = FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_COLOR_CLIMATE_THERMOSTAT_OFF_CONST; else iPK_FloorplanObjectType_Color = FLOORPLANOBJECTTYPE_COLOR_CLIMATE_THERMOSTAT_COOLING_CONST; }
and most important is this line (near bottom) :
It basically reads state of device and puts it into OSD. OSD is string that will get displayed beside icon.
Now I'll try to replicate everything similar to Lighting Plugin and brightness sensors :
4. Lighting Plugin
Added this line
void Lighting_Plugin::GetFloorplanDeviceInfo(DeviceData_Router *pDeviceData_Router,EntertainArea *pEntertainArea,int iFloorplanObjectType,int &iPK_FloorplanObjectType_Color,int &Color,string &sDescription,string &OSD,int &PK_DesignObj_Toolbar)