Sony KDL-46W4500

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Revision as of 01:13, 11 August 2009 by Ray N (Talk | contribs)

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I am using an European version this TV and will try to describe problems I have here.

Connected to a Nvidia 7300GT with an DVI to HDMI cable.

I was not able to get the TV setup to 1080p with 50hz, so I choosed 1080p and 60hz. Then afterwards I changed the xorg.conf and changed/added the folowing lines :

Option         "UseEDIDDpi" "false"
Option         "UseEDID" "true"
Modes           "1920x1080_50_1" "1920x1080_50_0" "1920x1080_50" "1920x1080" "1920x1080_50i"
VertRefresh     49-51

and rebooted. After that I had 50hz.

The line "1920x1080_50" uses the EDID information it gets of the TV and sets things up correctly. In the /var/log/Xorg.0.log you can then see that it chooses the right resolution.

"UseEDIDDpi" "false" is important, otherwise you will get very small unreadable characters.

Alternate solution (I used first).

I was not able to get the TV setup to 1080p with 50hz, so I choosed 1080p and 60hz. Then afterwards I changed the xorg.conf to the right 1080p@50hz Modeline i found in the HDTV list in the MythTV modeline database.

       # 1920x1080 @ 50 Hz (EDID) HSync: 56.25 kHz
       ModeLine "1920x1080" 148.50 1920 2448 2496 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync

And changed the VertRefresh to :

       VertRefresh     49-51

and rebooted. After that I had 50hz.

My latest xorg.conf

 Section "ServerLayout"
         Identifier      "XFree86 Configured"
         Screen    0     "Screen0"       0 0
         InputDevice     "Mouse0"        "CorePointer"
         InputDevice     "Keyboard0"     "CoreKeyboard"
 Section "Files"
         RgbPath         "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
         ModulePath      "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
         FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/X11"
         FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
         FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
         FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
         FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/"
         FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
         FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
 Section "Module"
         Load    "dbe"
         Load    "extmod"
         Load    "record"
         Load    "xtrap"
         Load    "speedo"
         Load    "type1"
         Load    "glx"
         Load    "int10"
         Load    "v4l"
 Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Keyboard0"
         Driver          "keyboard"
         Option          "XkbLayout"     "dk"
         Option          "XkbVariant"    "basic"
         Option          "XkbModel"              "pc105"
 Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Mouse0"
         Driver          "mouse"
         Option          "Protocol"              "auto"
         Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
         Option          "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"
 Section "Monitor"
         Identifier      "Monitor0"
         VendorName      "Unknown Monitor Vendor"
         ModelName       "Unknown Monitor Model"
         # gtf 1920 1080 50
         # 1920x1080 @ 25 Hz (EDID) HSync: 28.125 kHz
         # 1920x1080 @ 50 Hz (EDID) HSync: 56.25 kHz
         # ORG Modeline  "1920x1080" 148.5 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125
         # ORG VertRefresh       59-61
         # 1920x1080 @ 25 Hz (EDID) HSync: 28.125 kHz
         # ModeLine "1920x1080" 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         # 1920x1080 @ 50 Hz (EDID) HSync: 56.25 kHz
         # ModeLine "1920x1080" 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         # 1920x1080 @ 50 Hz (EDID) HSync: 28.125 kHz
         ModeLine "1920x1080_my50i" 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1124 +HSync +VSync Interlace
         # From Powerstrip 1920x1080 @ 24hz
         # ModeLine "1920x1080" 74.250 1920 2560 2608 2752 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         # From Powerstrip 1920x1080 @ 25hz
         # Xorg.log said 24,9hz / try adding some more
         # ModeLine "1920x1080" 77.142 1920 2560 2608 2752 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         ModeLine "1920x1080_my25" 77.500 1920 2560 2608 2752 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         # VertRefresh   24-26
         # From Powerstrip 1920x1080 @ 50hz
         ModeLine "1920x1080_my50" 148.500 1920 2448 2496 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         # ModeLine "1920x1080_my50a" 148.750 1920 2448 2496 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +HSync +VSync
         VertRefresh     24-51
         HorizSync       20-500
         # VertRefresh   49-51
 Section "Device"
         ### Available Driver options are:-
         ### Values: : integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
         ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
         ### [arg]: arg optional
         #Option         "NoAccel"                               # [<bool>]
         #Option         "SWcursor"                              # [<bool>]
         #Option         "ColorKey"                              # <i>
         #Option         "CacheLines"                    # <i>
         #Option         "Dac6Bit"                               # [<bool>]
         #Option         "DRI"                                   # [<bool>]
         #Option         "NoDDC"                                 # [<bool>]
         #Option         "ShowCache"                             # [<bool>]
         #Option         "XvMCSurfaces"                  # <i>
         Identifier      "Card0"
         Driver          "nvidia"
         VendorName      "Unknown Vendor Name"
         BoardName       "Unknown Board Name"
         Option          "LinearAlloc"           "16384"
         #BusID          "PCI:0:2:0"
 #       Option          "NoDDC"                         "true"
    Option         "UseEDIDDpi" "false"
    ## Option         "UseEDIDFreqs" "false"
         Option "XvmcUsesTextures" "true"
         Option "renderAccel" "true"
         Option "NoDDCValue"
         ## Option "UseEDID" "false"
         Option "ExactModeTimingsDVI" "true"
         Option "NoLogo" "true"
         Option "NoBandWidthTest" "true"
         # Option "ModeValidation" "NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck, NoMaxPClkCheck, AllowInterlacedModes, AllowNon60HzDFPModes"
         Option "ModeValidation" "NoVertRefreshCheck, NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck, NoMaxPClkCheck, AllowInterlacedModes, AllowNon60HzDFPModes"
         Option "DynamicTwinView" "false"
         Option "UseEvents" "true"
         Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
         Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"
         Option          "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP"
 Section "Screen"
         Identifier      "Screen0"
         Device          "Card0"
         Monitor         "Monitor0"
         DefaultDepth    24
         SubSection "Display"
                 # Modes         "1920x1080"
                 Modes           "1920x1080_50_1" "1920x1080_50_0" "1920x1080_50" "1920x1080_my50"
                 # Modes         "1920x1080_my50a" "1920x1080_50" "1920x1080_50_0" "1920x1080"
                 #TESTED Modes           "1920x1080_50_0" "1920x1080_50i_0" "1920x1080_50i" "1920x1080_my50i" "1920x1080_my25" "1920x1080"
                 Virtual         1920 1080
    Option         "UseEDIDDpi" "false"
    ## Option         "UseEDIDFreqs" "false"
         Option "XvmcUsesTextures" "true"
         Option "renderAccel" "true"
         Option "NoDDCValue"
         ## Option "UseEDID" "false"
         Option "ExactModeTimingsDVI" "true"
         Option "NoLogo" "true"
         Option "NoBandWidthTest" "true"
         # Option "ModeValidation" "NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck, NoMaxPClkCheck, AllowInterlacedModes, AllowNon60HzDFPModes"
         Option "ModeValidation" "NoVertRefreshCheck, NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck, NoEdidMaxPClkCheck, NoMaxPClkCheck, AllowInterlacedModes, AllowNon60HzDFPModes"
         Option "DynamicTwinView" "false"
         Option "UseEvents" "true"
         Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
         Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"
         Option  "TVStandard"    "1080p"
 Section "ServerFlags"
         Option  "AllowMouseOpenFail"    "true"
         Option  "BlankTime"             "0"
         Option  "StandbyTime"   "0"
         Option  "SuspendTime"   "0"
         Option  "OffTime"               "0"
         Option  "AIGLX"                 "Off"
 Section "Extensions"
         Option "Composite" "false"
         Option "RENDER" "true"