Installing the software

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Revision as of 17:47, 5 June 2006 by Wikiadmin (Talk | contribs) (Imported document)

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This page was written by Pluto and imported with their permission when LinuxMCE branched off in February, 2007. In general any information should apply to LinuxMCE. However, this page should be edited to reflect changes to LinuxMCE and remove old references to Pluto.

If you bought Pluto from a dealer, the software is already installed and you can skip this section. Pluto will update itself so it's always current.

If you're installing the


yourself,the great news is you only have to install the software on 1

PC--your Core.There's no software to install on the media directors

since the Core will give them a network boot image automatically. To

install the software, visit and you will be given a link to a kick-start



the computer that will be your Core or Hybrid on this CD and follow the

simple prompts--you can just accept the default responses normally. You

will need an internet connection. Just sit back, relax and wait about

45 minutes while Pluto does its thing. Be sure you complete the

installation of your Core/Hybrid before trying to boot the media


The kick start CD will install a web-site

on your Core

called "Pluto Admin". This is what you will use to configure Pluto in

the next step. The kick-start CD will also install all the various

versions of the Orbiter on your Core, including everything you need to

run the Orbiter on a mobile phone, web pad or PDA. The Corewill be able

to detect Bluetooth mobile phones automatically and install the Orbiter

software on them. For webpads and pda's, you will open up the Pluto

Admin website on the webpad or pda and click a link to the software

installer. But all that comes later. First you must move on to step 4,

"Tell Pluto about your home", once the Core is up and
