Draft Page Status

From LinuxMCE
Revision as of 10:57, 8 September 2011 by Purps (Talk | contribs)

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This is just my first stab at what I thought the page status should look like, displayed at the top of every page. This is all being doing manually here just to get a feel for what it will look like - I wouldn't know how to implement it properly i.e. validation for what is being input, etc. Feel free to add your own ideas below mine, and then we can fight it out on the forums. Purps.

10.04 Applicable
8.10 N/A
7.10 Unknown
This page is for information
This page is an instruction
The content of this article is approved.

...what does this information mean?

The following information will appear in the explanation link above...

The information at the top of each and every wiki page is designed to help the user understand the relevancy of the content to the current versions of LinuxMCE, assess the type of information present, and the review status of the page. Looking at each one in detail...

10.04 Applicable
8.10 N/A
7.10 Unknown

The first box simply tells the user whether the information is Applicable or N/A (not applicable) to each of the current LinuxMCE versions. If it is not known whether the page is relevant to a given version i.e. it has not been tested, then it will be marked as Unknown. If you believe any of this information to be incorrect, then please help us by letting the wiki admin staff know.

This page is for information
This page is an instruction
This page is a hack

The second box is designed to immediately tell the user exactly what type of information is present in the page. There are three possible options as shown in this example; "for information" refers to a page that is essentially giving the user an overview of a given aspect of the system, or explaining how a particular function works, whereas "an instruction" is explaining how to set up or modify the system in the recommended way. If a page is flagged as "a hack" then it is important that the user considers carefully what they are about to do. These are essentially instructions that may be perfectly safe, but are considered to be a "workaround" or a "quick fix". That said, they could also have adverse effects, either in the present or in the future, and generally are not recommended.

The content of this article is awaiting review.
The content of this article is approved.

The third and final box indicates to the user the review status of the page. This system is in place to ensure the content is correct and relevant, but in practice it will also cover page formatting, language, etc. If an article is awaiting review, the user should exercise caution when using the information. It does not necessarily mean the content is incorrect. Once the LinuxMCE staff have read the page and are happy that everything OK, the article can be marked as approved.