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Clientpro365 front.gif

CLIENTPRO 365 machines have been prevalent on eBay and many people do not know what to do with them as they are a proprietary mix-up, Support and drivers are virtually non-existent, especially since MPC is no longer in operation. But, Hail to Linux for cracking the hardware OOTB. No Worries, it just works.

The 365 is a impressive P4 machine since it has a socket 775 3-3.2GHz HT P4 mounted on a decent Intel® 900 series board. Intel D915GRV The CLIENTPRO 365's Intel D915GRV has unusual* power routing and connection scheme.

*Unusual power connection, where both 4-pin sockets are connected and the 20/24 is using only the 20 pin.

The CLIENTPRO 365 came in two configurations; A Mid-Tower and a Low-Profile Desktop.

  • Cons:
    • 1. The smaller desktop is a low profile box which limits expansion card height.
    • 2. The Intel D915GRV is limited on slots: 1 PCI Express 1x16, 2 PCI, and 1 PCIE.

--RJBradlow 10:30, 23 April 2012 (CEST)