Upgrade 1204 to 1404
Describes how to upgrade from LinuxMCE 1204 to 1404.
The normal way of upgrading between Ubuntu releases are the 'do-release-upgrade' command.
This does not work for LinuxMCE (most likely because the update tool disables 3rd party sources (like LinuxMCE) and we have to many dependencies to ubuntu packages for the upgrade to complete without breaking spectacular).
How to upgrade
Disclaimer: This is how I did it, but it may not work for you. This may not be the easiest way. This may not be the best way. You are on your own.
Edit /etc/apt/source.list and replace all 'precise' with 'trusty'
sudo apt-get update
Then you will have to do some manual upgrades to avoid blowing the whole system away.
sudo mkdir /etc/vdr/conf.d/ sudo apt-get install lmce-md-meta vdr-plugin-iptv pluto-simplephone pluto-storage-devices liblinphone5 libmediastreamer-base3 libupnp6 vlc vlc-nox libsmbclient samba pluto-vdr vdr vdr-plugin-remotetimers vdr-plugin-svdrpservice=1.0.0-5~trusty1 sudo apt-get install lmce-asterisk sudo apt-get install asterisk=1:11.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1 asterisk-modules=1:11.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1 asterisk-mysql=1:11.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1 asterisk-voicemail=1:11.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
If you are not using vdr, then you can drop the vdr-related packages and commands from the above. Most likely the apt-get install commands can be put into one go - as specified in the disclaimer, this is how I did it.