Nokia 770
Microprocessor: 220-MHz, ARM9-based Texas Instruments (TI) OMAP 1710
On-board memory: 128 MB, more than 64 MB available to the user
Memory slot: RS-MMC (Reduced size MultiMedia Card)
Battery: Standard Li-ion BP-5L Battery 1500 mAh (3 hours browse, 7 hours standby)
Screen: 800�-480 touch screen with up to 65,536 colors
WiFi: 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 1.2 - dial-up networking, file transfer, generic access, SIM access, and serial port profiles
Audio: Audio out
PC connectivity: USB (slave mode only) via DKE-2 cable
OS: Internet Tablet 2005 (Maemo-based)
Linux specs: 2.6 kernel, GNOME-based GUI
Dimensions: Dimensions: 5.5 inches x 3.1 inches x 0.70 inch
Weight: 8.1 ounces
Price: $350
--Nite man 09:29, 10 July 2006 (MST) Excellent candidate to be LinuxMCE Orbiter (it supports SDL Orbiter) but currently it doesn't work because there is a incompatibility between "Little Endian" and "Big Endian".