Protected pages

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This page lists existing pages that are currently protected. For a list of titles that are protected from creation, see Protected titles.

Protected pages        
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Timestamp Page Expires Protecting user Protection parameters Reason
Unknown MediaWiki:Image tip(14 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagelinks(5 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagelist(9 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagelistall(3 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagelisttext(38 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagemaxsize(43 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagepage(15 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imagereverted(41 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imgdelete(3 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imgdesc(4 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imghistlegend(176 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imghistory(12 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Imglegend(44 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Immobile namespace(78 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Import(12 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importfailed(17 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importhistoryconflict(72 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importinterwiki(16 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importnofile(28 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importnosources(86 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importnotext(16 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importsuccess(17 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importtext(118 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Importuploaderror(86 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Infiniteblock(8 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Info short(11 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Infobox(37 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Infobox alert(135 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Infosubtitle(20 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Internalerror(14 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Intl(19 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Invalidemailaddress(136 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Invert(16 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ip range invalid(17 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipaddress(10 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipadressorusername(22 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipb expiry invalid(20 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipbexpiry(6 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipblocklist(42 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipblocklistempty(23 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipboptions(155 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipbother(10 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipbotheroption(5 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipbreason(6 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipbsubmit(15 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipusubmit(20 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Ipusuccess(18 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Isbn(4 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Isredirect(13 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown MediaWiki:Italic sample(11 bytes) infinite Unknown user fully protected
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