NOAA Weather
From LinuxMCE
How to setup the NOAA Weather GSD
Device Template
- Description - NOAA Weather
- Implements DCE
- Device Category - Environment Climate Device #83
- Comm Method - Ethernet
- Commands - Ruby internal commands
GSD Code
- #395 Check for updates
- #396 Check for updates done
- #373 Private Method Listing
### Logging function def log(word) $logFile.print( word + "\n" ) $logFile.flush() end ### Weather check function def check_weather() log("Backing up previous data") oldweather = $weather oldtemp = $temp oldpressure = $pressure olddew_point = $dew_point oldheat_index = $heat_index oldwindchill = $windchill oldhumidity = $humidity oldwind = $wind oldvisibility = $visibility log("Checking for weather updates") ### Get xml file from NOAA # xmlPath = ""+$identifier+".xml" # h = "GET "+xmlPath+" HTTP/1.0\r\n" # log("HTTP Request: #{h}") # conn_.Send(h) # resv = "" # while(true) # buff = conn_.Recv(16384, 5000) # if buff.length() == 0 # break # end # recv = recv + buff # end h ='', 80) data_loc = "/data/current_obs/"+$identifier+".xml" resp, data = h.get(data_loc, nil) if resp.message == "OK" # if recv =~ /^HTTP[^\r\n]+200\sOK.+?\r\n\r\n(.+)$/m # data = $1 # log("Recieved:\n#{data}") data.each_line {|line| if line =~/location>(.*)<\/location>/ $location = $1 end if line =~/observation_time_rfc822>(.*)<\/observation_time_rfc822>/ $obs_time = $1 end if line =~/weather>(.*)<\/weather>/ $weather = $1 end if $units == "F" if line =~/temp_f>(.*)<\/temp_f>/ $temp = $1 end if line =~/pressure_in>(.*)<\/pressure_in>/ $pressure = $1 end if line =~/dewpoint_f>(.*)<\/dewpoint_f>/ $dew_point = $1 end if line =~/heat_index_f>(.*)<\/heat_index_f>/ $heat_index = $1 end if line =~/windchill_f>(.*)<\/windchill_f>/ $windchill = $1 end else if line =~/temp_c>(.*)<\/temp_c>/ $temp = $1 end if line =~/pressure_mb>(.*)<\/pressure_mb>/ $pressure = $1 end if line =~/dewpoint_c>(.*)<\/dewpoint_c>/ $dew_point = $1 end if line =~/heat_index_c>(.*)<\/heat_index_c>/ $heat_index = $1 end if line =~/windchill_c>(.*)<\/windchill_c>/ $windchill = $1 end end if line =~/relative_humidity>(.*)<\/relative_humidity>/ $humidity = $1 end if line =~/wind_string>(.*)<\/wind_string>/ $wind = $1 end if line =~/visibility_mi>(.*)<\/visibility_mi>/ $visibility = $1 end } end ### Send out events for weather changes if $weather != oldweather ms = "/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter "+device_.devid_.to_s+" -1001 2 75 13 \""+$weather+"\"" system(ms) log("Message sent: #{ms}") end if $temp != oldtemp ms = "/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter "+device_.devid_.to_s+" -1001 2 25 13 \""+$temp+"\"" system(ms) log("Message sent: #{ms}") end check_weather_done() end ### Post weather check def check_weather_done() log("Weather data from: "+$obs_time) log("Weather check complete") end
- #351 Process IDLE
### Auto check weather every quarter past the hour per NOAA t = if t.min == 15 t -= (60 * 60) if $obs_time =~/(\d\d):\d\d:\d\d/ obs_hour = $1 end if t.hour != obs_hour.to_i log("Quarter past the hour and weather update needed") check_weather() end end
- #355 Process Initialize
### # NOAA Weather check # 2008 Jason Speckman ### require 'net/http' # Init Vars $logFile ="/var/log/pluto/NOAA_Weather.log", "w") ### Change these values to match device data values $DEVICEDATA_ICAO_CONST = 249 $DEVICEDATA_UNITS_CONST = 250 $units = "" $identifier = "" $location = "" $obs_time = "" $weather = "" $temp = "" $pressure = "" $dew_point = "" $heat_index = "" $windchill = "" $humidity = "" $wind = "" $visibility = "" ### Check for identifier and units if device_.devdata_ != nil if device_.devdata_[$DEVICEDATA_ICAO_CONST] != nil $identifier = device_.devdata_[$DEVICEDATA_ICAO_CONST] log("ICAO identifier: "+$identifier) else log("No ICAO identifier specified") end if device_.devdata_[$DEVICEDATA_UNITS_CONST] != nil $units = device_.devdata_[$DEVICEDATA_UNITS_CONST] else $units = "F" end end log("Units in degrees "+$units) if $units == "F" $press_units = "in. Hg" else $press_units = "hPa" end ### Tell DCE we are a climate device log("Starting NOAA Weather Check") log("Setup message intercept for DCERouter") ### # devIDfrom: device_.devid_ = my device id # devIDto: -1000 = dcerouter # priority: # type: 1 = command, 2 = event # id: $devIDfrom = device_.devid_ devIDto = -1000 priority = "" type = 2 id = "" #cmd =, devIDto, priority, type, id) #cmd.params_[x] = y #SendCommand(cmd) #ms = "/usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter " + device_.devid_.to_s + " -1000 8 0 5 2 4 10" #system(ms) log("Init complete") ### Initial weather check check_weather()
- #356 Process Release
if ($logFile != nil) then $logFile.close end
Device Data
(These variable numbers may be different, be sure to update them in the ruby code)
- #249 ICAO Location Indicator(string) - Comment: Local airport identifier for weather info - (Required and Allowed to modify checked)
- #250 Units(string) - Comment: Degree units. Either (F) or (C) - (Required and Allowed to modify checked)
- Temperature Changed #25 - Comment: Temperature has changed since last update
- Weather Changed #75 - Comment: Weather has changed since last update
Issues and TODO
- Does not respond to events
- Only send weather info when there is a change from the previous weather check
- Only sends weather conditions and temperature changes
- No way to ask for weather data from the device