- See the manufacturer website.
(Adapted from "Installation Issues" forum post Re: My LinuxMCE Problems.)
I (chuckfox) currently have the latest beta (at February 03, 2008, 04:43:53 am 0710b3) running as a hybrid with a PCHDTV-5500 installed. I am by no means a linux expert, but playing with linuxmce has helped me alot.
Cheap ECS MOBO + intel dual core + 1 gig mem + 120gig PATA hard drive + PCHDTV-5500
Load Appropriate Modules
Please note: before trying to add the cx88-dvb module, verify if your system doesn't have it loaded already. You do this by entering
lsmod |grep cx88
on a terminal to see if the module is loaded already. You should see something like this:
cx88_dvb 16772 1 cx88_vp3054_i2c 4608 1 cx88_dvb dvb_pll 15492 2 cx88_dvb video_buf_dvb 7812 1 cx88_dvb cx8800 34944 0
- After a fresh install I navigate to the KDE desktop, then open up a terminal to add a line to /etc/modules to load the cx88-dvb module on startup.
- Here's the line to type into the terminal to bring the file up for modification.
kate /etc/modules
- This will bring up /etc/modules which is mostly empty. Add the line below on a new line and save the file.
- After saving the file go to settings and click on MythTV Backend Setup -mythtv-setup.
- This may get you a dialog box that will tell you that you need to be added to a user group(Not sure of the exact wording here).
- Click OK. At this point reboot your machine. (You can use "sudo reboot" without the quotes, at the command line.)
Setup MythTV
- After reboot navigate to the KDE desktop, go to Settings and click on MythTV Backend Setup -mythtv-setup.
- You should be able to enter mythtvsetup at this point and set up capture cards.
- Select Capture cards
- On Card type: You want to pick DVB DTV capture card(v3.x) NOT pcHDTV DTV capture card(w/V4L drivers).
- Select Finish
- You should see a capture card [DVB:0] listed.
- From the main menu, select Video sources.
- I have two video sources, one is Digital and one is analog. I subscribe to SchedulesDirect to grab the channel data. To confirm account access and retrieval of channel lineup, you may select the "Retrieve Lineups" button.
- For both sources, the Channel frequency table is set to us-cable. (I'm not sure about the PCHDTV-3000, but the 5500 has digital and analog tuners).
- Select Finish
- You should see your video sources listed.
- From the main menu, select Input connections. I set up two connections Digital and analog.
- Digital: choose [DVB:0](DVBInput) -> Digital
- On the Video source: Select the digital video source you created earlier.
- Click scan for channels.
- Select; Scan type: full scan; Frequency table: Cable (you may have to try several frequencies to confirm a lock); ATSC Modulation: Cable (QAM-256) [If you are connected to cable, otherwise pick the one that applies to you]; on Channel Separator: I like the period to separate channels and Minimal Updates as the last option.
- Click next and you should see Scan progress with a mostly(hopefully) full signal meter. Let the scan finish and move on to the analog channels.
- Analog: choose [V4L:dev/video0](Televison) ->analog
- Add the analog video source you created earlier. Same process as digital, only scan for Cable instead of Cable High. This scan should run a lot quicker.
- After both scans I click Fetch channels from listing source, to add the channel data.
- This should get your card working if there are no other conflicts.
Here are some things that caught me up along the way.
- The admin password for the latest beta is linuxmce. You will need to input this a few times, it took me a few minutes of RTFM to find this one.
- For some reason when exiting myth backend setup the dialog box that asks if I would like to run mythfilldatabase, would not run mythfilldatabase when clicking OK. To resolve this, open a command line and type sudo mythfilldatabase to run the program.
Edit (by Thoth): Just like to note that I got this working on LinuxMCE for my PCHDTV HD-3000, and I just reseated all cards, after a dustbunny blow-out and did a clean install of beta4 and followed these instruction exactly. Just about everything on the digital side appears to be working flawlessly, but upon first inspection I don't see analog to be working but the spec page for it says it has it:
- Made a new page (stub) for the PcHDTV HD3000, pointing out the instructions here (for the time being). --Zaerc 13:29, 20 May 2008 (PDT)