Adding a New MCE Compatible Transceiver

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Revision as of 14:32, 30 March 2009 by Totallymaxed (Talk | contribs) (Adding the Vendor/Product ID to the mce_usb2 Template)

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Figuring Out Your Vendor/Model ID

Firstly attach your MCE Compatible Transceiver to your Core/MD and see if its detected. If it is not detected then open a terminal session on the machine you attached it too and use the lsusb command to find out some info about it. Type the following;

lsusb -v <return>

You should get some output like this;

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0471:0815 Philips

The Vendor/Product ID is 04710815 in the above example (a standard Philips MCE Transceiver from Microsoft). Sometimes its obvious which usb device your Transceiver is as the Vendor/Product name will be displayed. If they are not then repeatedly connect the Transceiver then do 'lsusb -v' then disconnect the Transceiver and use the 'lsusb -v' command again and by comparing the two oupputs you should be able to determine which entry is your Transceiver.

Adding the Vendor/Product ID to the mce_usb2 Template

Now armed with the info above we can add the Vendor/Product ID to the mce_usb device template on your Core and after a reload router it should be detected properly;

Got to Web Admin -> Advanced -> Configuration -> Device Templates

In the ID field to the left of the 'Go' button type the ID of the mce_usb2 template - 1862 and then click the 'Go' button. A new window will open to display the parameters of the Device Template. Scroll down to the section called 'Plug-n-Play' and find the last empty entry in that section - this where you will add the details of your MCE Transceiver. Add the following values to the fields for your MCE Transceiver;

  • From = 0
  • To = 0
  • PnP Protocol = Xap
  • Parms = 175|pci

Now add the Vendor/Prod ID data from the output of your lsusb command for the Pinnacle to the 'Vendor Model ID' field;

Vendor Model ID = 04710815 (**Notice you do not need the colon and your Vendor/Product ID will be different of course**)

Then in the 'Comment' field enter some text to identify the Transceiver;

Comment = MCE I/R receiver (**Your Vendors Name goes here**)

Now lastly click save at the bottom of the page and then do a reload router. Now plug your Pinnacle transceiver into a usb port and it should get detected (you will see the detection and setup scripts run and be announced in the top left hand corner of the Orbiters screen... when everything has been setup you will see a message on screen confirming this and asking if you want to reload the router. Please click the reload button... and your Pinnacle transceiver should be working fine.

If your Receiver Does Not Respond

If your receiver now gets detected and you saw the messages to this affect appearing in the top left hand corner of your MD's screen after plugging it into a USB port but the Orbiter still does not respond when you press its buttons then it maybe that the Prod ID needs to be added to the lirc_mceusb2 driver. You can check this by using the following command;

modinfo lirc_mceusb2|grep <vendor ID eg 0471> <return>

Your should get some output that looks something like below;

alias:          usb:v0471p060Cd*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
alias:          usb:v0471p0815d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*

The Prod ID for your receiver should be shown in one of lines between the 1st 'p' and the 1st 'd' after your Vendor ID. ie in the output above we have two Product ID's '060C' and '0815'

If the Product ID for your transceiver is not listed in the output of the modinfo command then the lirc_mceusb2 driver will need to be re compiled with your transceivers Product ID included.

      • this article needs extending to show how to add Vendor/Product ID's to the lirc_mceusb2 driver ***