Eljo Connect
Eljo Connect Series, Zwave.
Zwave Dimmerpuck(flush dimmer device). Can be found in the Swedish market similar as the Merten, no problems using it. I have had to press 4 times on the include button to include it with the tricklestar. Three times seems not to work it gets included but cannot be controlled. Instruction says three times and to reset it to factory press three times then hold the inclusion button for 5sec until the led goes out. e-number E17 007 42.
Zwave aktorpuck relay(flush actuator). Can be found in the Swedish market similar as the Merten, no problems using it. I have had to press 4 times on the include button to include it with the tricklestar. Three times seems not to work it gets included but cannot be controlled. Instruction says three times and to reset it to factory press three times then hold the inclusion button for 5sec until the led goes out. e-number E17 007 36.
Made by www.schneider-electric.se