Social Media Plugins

From LinuxMCE
Revision as of 06:46, 30 March 2011 by Langstonius (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The purpose of this page is to layout ideas relating to social media and linuxmce. Various aspects of social media can be integrated into the system that would bring more of the...")

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The purpose of this page is to layout ideas relating to social media and linuxmce. Various aspects of social media can be integrated into the system that would bring more of the user's social media into the LinuxMCE universe. This page is not so much to high light specific social media platforms so much as explore use cases and features

Desired Features

  • Updates presented in the orbiter ui
    • Level of updates Adjustable
  • Sharing of media being watched among ones social network
  • Presence / Location information
    • Security alerts / notifications


Current Popular social media platforms:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter


  • These features should be implemented as dce devices, allowing them to be presented on any LinuxMCE control surface.
  • There should be a per user configuration in the web-administration with appropriate routing of messages.
  • There should be screens created in designer for the purpose of displaying this form of communication in an appropriate manner.