QOrbiter manager is what it sounds like. It manages the flow of operations in QOrbiter between the different context objects and the threaded dce side of the program. It can be accessed through 'manager'
void getLiveTVPlaylist(') |
Params |
Description |
EX |
No Params |
Calling this function will tell the router to populate the live tv playlist and return it to the playlist element. Calling it when no tv is playing has no result |
Component.onCompleted:manager.getLiveTVPlaylist() |
void showFloorplan(int floorplantype) |
Params |
Description |
Output |
int - The type of floorplan you want to display |
This function brings up the floorplan for the selected room and populates the devices there on the screenshot image |
void saveScreenshot(int attribute_number) |
Params |
Description |
Output |
int - The Attribute number of the attribute you want to associate with the screenshot. It is provided in the screenshotAttributes listmodel that is prepared when grabbing a screeshot |
Saves the current screenshot to the attribute image |
void cleanupScreenie(') |
Params |
Description |
Output |
None |
Destroys the last screenshot and empties the model. Depreciated and will be made automatic |
void resentCode(int parentDevice, int commandNumber) |
Params |
Description |
Output |
parentDevice - int - device number of the parent
commandNumber- int - the number of the command you wish to resend
Resend and av control code. This function should be utilized within the device_commands model. The parameters are attributes of said mdel |
height: parent.height
width: scaleX(10)
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: codelist.right
anchors.leftMargin: scaleY(5)
clip: true
model: device_commands
delegate: Rectangle{
height: scaleY(8)
width: scaleX(20)
color: "slateblue"
spacing: scaleY(1)
font.pixelSize: scaleY(2)
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onEntered: device_box.color = "white"
onExited: device_box.color = "slateblue"
onClicked: manager.resendCode(i_parentDevice, i_commandnum)