QOrbiter Setup
This page outlines what is needed to setup LinuxMCE to support a qOrbiter. These instructions are relevant for any qOrbiter running device. Some stuff only needs to be done ones (like the skin downloading), other stuff, like the creation of the Orbiter device, should be done for each qOrbiter device. Each qOrbiter-running hardware device should have a dedicated device ID.
You will need to prepare for the addition of the device to your system before it can be used by following these steps.
- Navigate to the 'Orbiters' page in the LinuxMCE Admin website. Create a new QOrbiter device from the dropdown box at the bottom. Make sure you fill in all the information there like:
- User
- Room
- Size - This is a remnant of the old orbiter, choose the smallest one, so that any regen it does is fast.
- Make a note of the device number
- When done, choose update.
- When the core is ready, it will ask you to do a quick reload. MAKE SURE to set the default user and location.
- Quick Reload the router when asked.
- Note: It is no longer needed to run qOrbiterGenerator.php.
Now you will need to decide on a skin. Eventually, this will be a cleaner process. For the moment, it isnt :) All skins live on the core and will be accessible from http://<you-core-address>/lmce-admin/skins The following instructions are for the core machine.
All skins need a skins directory:
sudo apt-get install subversion svn co http://svn.linuxmce.org/svn/branches/LinuxMCE-1004/src/qOrbiter/qOrbiter_src/qml /var/www/lmce-admin/skins && chmod -R 777 /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android
- Note that this method will only get the android skins to save on bandwidth.
Now your skins are installed.
Running the device
- Assuming the previous steps were completed, you can now connect.
- The default ip it connects to is
- Enter the device number you previously made note of for the device number
- If your core address is not standard, it will hang. you can kill the device and edit the config.xml at the location listed below.
The configuration file is located on the SDCard under /LinuxMCE (for Android
Remote Access
In order to use qOrbiter from outside your internal LinuxMCE network, you need to:
- Open ports 2757 & 3450 on your firewall via webadmin
- Change the host line in LinuxMCE/config.xml on your device to your core's external IP address.