Screen saver timeout

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Revision as of 16:56, 23 July 2015 by Marie.o (Talk | contribs) (Screen Saver timeout)

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Screen Saver timeout

When viewing online media via the 'Computing' Menu, the photo screen saver will kick in because of an option that can be found in the 'orbiters' page of the web admin. Specifically, the screen saver timeout.

If the screen saver should never be engaged, remote all data in the timeout field.

To change this, do the following:

  • Log into the webadmin
    [Orbiter Details
  • Find the 'Orbiters' on the left hand column.
  • On the orbiters page, find the one you are looking for.
  • Adjust the option 'Seconds before screen saver'.
    • You can also adjust the amount of time before it turns off AV equipment associated with that orbiter under 'Seconds before power off;

I reload the router after this change, but I am not sure its necessary.

Remote Control

In addition, if you do encounter this problem, you can bring up the window by going back to computing and clicking the 'Remote Control' button that appears there.