Translate the GUI into another language

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Revision as of 10:34, 19 March 2007 by Jerry finn (Talk | contribs)

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All the text which you see on the orbiter is stored in the LinuxMCE_main database in the "Text" and "Text_LS" tables. Each block of text or phrase has an entry in the text table. And the Text_LS table has that text in the language specified. So to add a new language you need to add a new record to the Language table, and then add new records to Text_LS with the translated version of each text blocked. It is probably easiest to do this in the Designer program. Designer will show you all the text blocks logically laid out in folders and categories. It is not necessary to translate the entire user interface all once. You can translate only certain phrases and when OrbiterGen is building the user interface it will use English for any phrases that are not translated. To select the Language for an orbiter, use LinuxMCE Admin and go to the Wizard, Devices, Orbiter page.