DCE Binary Communication Protocol
A device can create a command connection and one or more event connections to the router.
- The command connection is used as an incoming connection and device will use it to receive message from the router (commands).
- An event connection is used by the device as an outgoing connection to notify the router about events or the deliver commands to other devices.
The DCERouter process is listening on 3450 port.
How to create an event connection
Here is how the handshake is made for an event connection:
>> Device sends:
EVENT <my_device_id> '\n'
<< To router will respond with :
OK <my_device_id> IP=<device_ip_address> '\n'
>> To send a message, the device will send :
MESSAGE <size_of_binary_message> '\n'
and then
How to create a command connection
Here is how the handshake is made for a command connection:
>> Device sends:
COMMAND <my_device_id> '\n'
<< To router will respond with :
OK <my_device_id> IP=<device_ip_address> '\n'
>> The device will wait for messages from dcerouter; the router will send :
MESSAGE <size_of_binary_message> '\n'
and then
How to serialize data
DCE uses SerializeClass to serialize/deserialize data.
The sources can be found here : src/SerializeClass/Serialize.h/cpp.
The deserialize the data, the deserializing module must know the way the data was serialized like this:
- 4 bytes, unsigned long
- 1 byte, unsigned char
- 8 bytes, unsigned int64
- 8 bytes, int64
- 4 bytes, unsigned long
- 4 bytes, unsigned short
- 1 byte, unsigned char
- 1 byte, char
- 1 byte, long
- 4 bytes, float
- 8 bytes, double
- 2 bytes, short
Complex types:
1. string
- STR_LENGTH bytes, the array with chars
- 1 byte, '/0' (value 0x00)
2. block of data
- BLOCK_LENGTH bytes, the array with bytes
3. vector of strings
- VECT_LENGTH bytes, the number of strings from vector
- string 0
- string 1
- string VECT_LENGTH - 1
Other complex types serialized (see SerializeClass.cpp for details) :
- map<int,string>
- map<u_int64_t,string>
- map<int,int>
- map<string,string>
- vector<int>
- vector< pair<int,int> >
- map<string, pair<int,int> >
SerializeClass also allowed you to serialize/deserialize custom objects. Examples:
- PlutoColor
- PlutoPoint
- PlutoSize
- PlutoRectangle
- PlutoDataBlock
How to serialize a message
The class used by DCE is Message class from src/DCE/Message.h/cpp unit.
This is how the raw data looks like into a binary message:
- long, value must be 1234 (magic number)
- long, <device_from_id>
- long, <device_to_id>
- long, <device_group_to_id>
- long, <message_id>
- long, <message_priority>
- long, <message_type>
- long, <device_category_to>
- long, <device_template_to>
- unsigned char, <include_children>
- long, <message_broadcast_level>
- long, <message_retry>
- unsigned char, <relative_to_sender>
- long, <expected_response>
- string, <device_list_to>
- unsigned long, <number_of_string_parameters>
- foreach <string_parameter>
- - long, <string_parameter_id>
- - string, <string_parameter_value>
- end_foreach
- unsigned long, <number_of_data_parameters>
- foreach <data_parameter>
- - long, <data_parameter_id>
- - unsigned long, <data_parameter_length>
- - array of bytes, <data_parameter_value>
- end_foreach
- unsigned long, <number_of_extra_messages>
- foreach <extra_message>
- - unsigned long, <serialized_extra_message_length>
- - array of bytes, <serialized_extra_message_value>
- end_foreach
- unsigned long, must be 6789
- enum eBroadcastLevel { BL_None=0, BL_DirectSiblings=1, BL_SameComputer=2, BL_SameRoom=3, BL_SameHouse=4, BL_AllHouses=5 };
- enum eRetry { MR_None=0, MR_Retry=1, MR_Persist=2 };
- enum eExpectedResponse { ER_None=0, ER_ReplyMessage, ER_ReplyString, ER_DeliveryConfirmation };
Here is the pseudocode to send the "on" command to a light switch.
We'll assume that the your device has #id 250 and the light switch has device #id 100
MyDevice.Connect(router_ip, 3450 /*port*/)
MyDevice.SendData("EVENT 250\n")
MyDevice.ReceiveData() //until you'll get a '\n' ; you should receive: "OK 250 IP=<device_ip_address> '\n';
//next: creating a message
//let's say MyData is an array of bytes
SerializeLong(MyData, 1234) //magic number
SerializeLong(MyData, 250) //my id
SerializeLong(MyData, 100) //the light switch
SerializeLong(MyData, 0) //not used now
SerializeLong(MyData, 192) //message id of command 'on'
SerializeLong(MyData, 1) //normal priority
SerializeLong(MyData, 1) //message type : command
SerializeLong(MyData, 0) //not used now
SerializeLong(MyData, 0) //not used now
SerializeUnsignedChar(MyData, 0) //not including children
SerializeLong(MyData, 0) //broadcast level : none
SerializeLong(MyData, 0) //don't retry
SerializeUnsignedChar(MyData, 0) //relative to sender false
SerializeLong(MyData, 3) //delivery confirmation
SerializeString(MyData, "") //device list to empty
SerializeUnsignedLong(MyData, 2) //2 parameters
SerializeLong(MyData, 98) //parameter type #98
SerializeString(MyData, "") //empty value
SerializeLong(MyData, 97) //parameter type #97
SerializeString(MyData, "") //empty value
SerializeUnsignedLong(MyData, 0) //no binary parameters
SerializeUnsignedLong(MyData, 0) //no extra messages
SerializeUnsignedLong(6789) //magic number
MyDevice.SendData("MESSAGE " + MyData.length() + '\n')
MyDevice.ReceiveData() //until you'll get a '\n' ; you should receive: "OK" an error message
How to serialize data-grids
(in work)
Complex objects:
1) DataGridCellSerializableData
- unsigned long, <sizeof(DataGridCellSerializableData)>
- unsigned long, <graphic_length>
- unsigned long, <message_length>
- unsigned long, <text_length>
- unsigned long, <value_length>
- unsigned long, <image_path_length>
- unsigned long, <number_of_attributes_length>
- unsigned long, <attributes_length>
- int, <alternate_color>
- unsigned long, <graphic_format>
- unsigned char, <selectable>
- int, <style_detail>
- int, <col_span>
- int, <row_span>
- unsigned char, <dont_fire_grid_event>
- enum eGraphicFormat { GR_UNKNOWN=0, GR_JPG=1, GR_GIF=2, GR_TIF=3, GR_PNG=4, GR_MNG=5, GR_BMP=6, GR_OCG=7, GR_PFG=8 };
2) DataGridCell
- DataGridCellSerializableData, <datagrid_cell_serializable_data>
- array of chars, <text>
- array of chars, <value>
- array of bytes, <graphic_data>
- array of bytes, <message_data>
- array of chars, <image_path>
- foreach <cell_attribute>
- - array of chars ended with '\0' , <cell_attribute_name>
- - array of chars ended with '\0', <cell_attribute_value>
- end_foreach
3) DataGridTableSerializableData
- int, <total_number_of_columns>
- int, <total_number_of_rows>
- unsigned char, <keep_row_header>
- unsigned char, <keep_column_header>
- int, <column_count>
- int, <row_count>
- int, <starting_column>
- int, <starting_row>
- int, <cell_count>
4) DataGridTableCellIndex
- unsigned int, <column_row_type>
- unsigned int, <size>
5) DataGridTable
- unsigned long, <sizeof(DataGridTableSerializableData)>
- array of DataGridTableCellIndex, <col * row * sizeof(DataGridTableCellIndex)>
- array of DataGridCell, <col * row * serialized DataGridCell>
Additional step: lzo compression/decompression
Note: can be disabled if compiled with DISABLE_LZO_DATAGRID