Control LinuxMCE using a Windows device as an Orbiter

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Setup Instructions

There are two things that need to be accomplished when setting up an Orbiter using a Windows device: Install the orbiter application on the Windows device, and set up the orbiter on the core. If all goes well, the orbiter is set up on the core automatically the first time the orbiter application is launched on the Windows device.

To set up an orbiter on a Windows device, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Admin site front page. Click on Download Orbiter, Utilities and other software to get the application installer that will run on your Windows device.
  2. Install the orbiter application on the Windows device.
  3. Launch the orbiter application. Under Windows XP it is installed as Pluto Orbiter in the Start Menu.
  4. It should prompt you to set up a new orbiter. Select Yes - This is a new Orbiter. Follow the prompts on-screen. Select the Basic skin when prompted. It will cause the core to generate the orbiter which can take a while. Finally, click Yes - Reset it now when prompted. The application will exit.
  5. Launch the orbiter application again. You should see LinuxMCE orbiter controls.

Note: If the Windows device will be connecting to the core via the "EXTERNAL" network card, you will need to configure the firewall to allow orbiter access (or disable the firewall altogether) on that connection for the Orbiter application to connect.

Manual Orbiter Setup

Note: You normally shouldn't have to manually set up an orbiter running on a Windows Device, as the instructions above are much simpler. If they don't work for you, you try following the instructions below.

In the LinuxMCEAdmin website, go to Wizard, Devices, Orbiters. At the bottom of the page choose the type of device you want to run the Orbiter on, and click 'Add Orbiter'. Note that two devices can never share the same Device ID. So if you have two web pads you want to use as Orbiters, create 2 separate Orbiters, or devices, and give each one a unique name. Specify the room, correct resolution, language, and choose a skin and main menu or user interface. Sample skins and UI's are available ***HERE***. Click the 'help' button on that page for information about the other Orbiters.

DCERouter cache's a list of all the devices in your home for better performance. In LinuxMCE Admin go to Wizard, Restart, and choose Quick Reload Router. All the devices will close and wait for the router to restart, which takes about 15 for the Router. If you're adding lots of devices, you can add them all at once, and just do a Quick Reload Router when you're all done.

The user interface for each Orbiter needs to be pre-built according to the language, skin, and resolution that you selected. If you reboot the Core it will automatically rebuild all the Orbiters user interfaces at bootup. However, you probably want to start using your Orbiter right away, so go back to Wizard, Devices, Orbiter, and click "Quick Regen" for your new Orbiter. You will see a message in red indicating the Orbiter's user interface is being generated. This process can take from 5 to 20 minutes depending and the speed of your Core, the resolution and user interface. You can do something else and periodically return to this page to see when it's done.

After the user interface is generated, make note of the device number for this new orbiters, as show in LinuxMCE Admin. Then open a web browser on whatever device you want to run the Orbiter software, and bring up the LinuxMCE Admin web page. There is a link "Download Orbiter Win Installer" on both the first LinuxMCE Admin login page, and once logged in, also on the Wizard, Devices, Orbiters page. Click the link and run the Orbiter Installer, either the Windows XP/2000 version, or the CE Version. Once installed, run the LinuxMCE Orbiter. Type in the device number, and the IP address of your Core. Also check 'full screen' if you want the Orbiter to run full-screen. Click 'Apply'. The Orbiter will start. These settings are remembered so you do not need to type them in again.

How to use it

What's an Orbiter

Programmer's guide

Orbiter has it's own Orbiter Programmer's Guide.