IRC Chat

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This page shows you how to join the discussion on the LinuxMCE IRC channel where you can chat live with other members and developers.

From your LinuxMCE box

  1. Go to the KDE desktop: Advanced --> KDE desktop
  2. Start Konversation: K --> Internet --> Konversation (IRC Client)
  3. Hit the New button
    1. Identity --> Edit: Change the nicknames
    2. Network: Freenode
    3. Servers --> Add: and close with the OK button
    4. Auto join Channels --> Add: #LinuxMCE and close with the OK button
    5. Press the OK button
  4. Select LinuxMCE and close the dialog with the Connect button

Step 3 is only needed the first time

From elsewhere

If your browser is properly configured to handle "irc" URLs you can click here:


Most IRC clients allow you to connect manually, simply type the following:


Change your nick to your liking (as long as nobody else is using it):

/nick what_ever_nick_you_want

Then join our channel:

/join #linuxmce

Now you should be dropped right into the channel.