Java Mobile Orbiter

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Revision as of 23:20, 18 June 2008 by Hari (Talk | contribs) (Installing Java)

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The JavaMO is a lightweight Mobile Orbiter client. It receives rendered pictures from the Bluetooth dongle Orbiter and sends keystrokes back. The protocol used over Bluetooth is BD.

JavaMO is under active development. An alpha version can be found on the charonmedia svn tree.


For most phones you need the jad and the jar file. Copy both to the phone and select the jad from the file or application manager.


The JavaMO consists of multiple java classes:

  • BDCommand
  • BDCommandProcessor
  • JavaMO
  • SerializeClass
  • BTServer

See also

Mobile Orbiter

LinuxMCE Orbiter Symbian Programmer's Guide


Forum thread re JavaMO




Checkout the source from the svn tree:

svn co
cd javamo

Installing Java

First we install the Java SDK. I used version 6 update 6. Download it from the sun download center:

chmod +x ./jdk-6u6-linux-i586.bin

That gives us the directory "jdk1.6.0_06".

Now install the wireless toolkit version 2.5.2:


Specify the _full_ path to the "jdk1.6.0_06/bin" directory (this example assumes javamo was checked out to "/home/hari/src/javamo"):

Enter a path to the Java 2 SDK: /home/hari/src/javamo/jdk1.6.0_06/bin

After the installation you should have the following subdirectories in the javamo directory:

  • jdk1.6.0_06
  • WTK2.5.2

Building the application

just run "make":


You will find the "JavaMO.jad" and "JavaMO.jar" file in the "output" directory if the compile succeeds.

Install the application on the phone

That strongly depends on the type of phone. For Nokia Symbian Series with a memory card you can use the "install" target in the "Makefile". Just adapt the Bluetooth address of the phone in the "Makefile" and run:

make install

Then go to the file browser on the phone, switch to the memory card and select the "JavaMO.jad" file. Make sure you have enabled the installation of unsigned applications in the application manager.

Building the documentation

make javadoc

Direct your browser to the file "doc/index.html"