Language nl

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I uploaded the zip file that contains the necessary files for the dutch language, i have to say 60 % is translated through Google translate, but i made some adjustments because google translate is not 100 % accurate. I have done translating now for 95 % of the dutch language from English, but overall its already good usable.

The things you have to do are :

1 ) install phpmyadmin from aptitude ( So apt-get install phpmyadmin )

2 ) when you're done with phpmyadmin, point you're browser to http://dcerouter/phpmyadmin or http://192.168.X.X/phpmyadmin ( what is in you're needs )

3 ) Then when you're loggen in with 'root' and NO password ( this is default on the mysql database of linuMCE ) go to the left panel with the drop down menu what says ' databases ' or ' database ' depends on the language you're are using in phpmyadmin , then select the database 'pluto_main '

4 ) If everything is alright you'll see a lot of so called database tables on the left and on the right, this is bit confusing in phpmyadmin, but for the newbies stick to the left panel in this little howto. scroll down to the table Language and just click on it then you select automatically this table, on the right pane above there is a line called ' export ' just click on this, just leave all options default except ' the button ' send ' left below and mark it , via this we can save the file ' Language.sgl ' to our local pc .

5 ) Ok, we now have a backup just in case if something happens and linuxMCE wouldn't work anymore.

6 ) extract the zip file i uploaded, there you see 5 .sql files, do the same thing with all these other 4 files because in the example we already exported Language as in step ( 4 )

7 ) If you exported these 5 files to you're local pc then you're are ready to just delete these 5 files in you're pluto_main database, yes DELETE, this is the way it worked out quite well for me.

8 ) When you've deleted the files in you're database, you're have to import file by file from my zip file that you've just extracted to you're local pc.

9 ) In fact this way worked for me so just give it a try and when you just followed this mini howto, it will be just working fine.

10 ) Good luck and enjoy ( If someone feels free to help me out on the Dutch translation for the rest I have to translate please contact me at dave at haakenhout dot nl , and i will give that person some instruction via mail how to live edit the main language files via the application HADesginer of pluto itself.

credits: [| Dave ]