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MessageSend server [-targetType [device|category|template]] [-r | -o] [-p path] [-bl BroadcastLevel] [-retry value] DeviceFrom DeviceTo MsgType(1=Command, 2=Event) MsgID [parm1id param1value] [parm2id parm2value] ...


This are derived from the help text of the above command, Please add any additional information that will be useful for helping understand this very important command.


is the name/ip of the router, such as localhost or dcerouter


the default target type is the device, category, or template


means the message will be sent with a response request


means the message will expect out parameters which will be echoed to the screen as resp: [response]


specifies the path for output parameters


means the broadcast level if the message is sent to category or template;


  1. none
  2. direct_siblings
  3. same_computer
  4. same_room
  5. same_house*
  6. all_houses

needs valid device ID for this to be useful


means what to do if the message cannot be delivered;


  1. none (don't retry)
  2. retry (send it when the device registers)
  3. persist (retry, but survive a reload router)


Device number the messages is coming from


Device number the message is going to


     the parm ID can be prefixed with a letter:
               D send as a data paramter, rather than text
               U send as a data paramter, rather than text, parameter is UU-encoded
               B the value is a filename, the contents sent as a data parameter
               T the value is a filename, the contents sent as a text parameter

Alternatively: MessageSend uuencode file_in [file_out] (writes to stdout no file_out) or MessageSend uudecode file_out [uuencodeddata | file_in]

Samples with Message Send

Here are some sample messages you can send with the MessageSend utility. This assumes your detection device has an id of 999. Note that you must use a valid device number as the 'from' since that is what the plugin uses to determine on which machine the device was added.

  • Detected a new device on the network
   ./MessageSend dcerouter $PK_Device -1001 2 65 28 "" 5 "00:10:75:00:D2:22" 52 3 53 2
  • and when the device is no longer on the network
   ./MessageSend dcerouter $PK_Device -1001 2 66 28 "" 5 "00:10:75:00:D2:22" 52 3 53 2
  • A USB device is detected
   ./MessageSend dcerouter $PK_Device -1001 2 65 55 "37|usb2/2-2/2-2:1.7" 52 4 51 "0403f850"

Note that the vendor/model id is specified, which will be looked up in the DHCP Device database. And parameter 55 is specified so that when the device is created it will have a device data 37 (com port on pc) of "usb2/2-2/2-2:1.7". The usb detection device should automatically determine that the device connected appears as a usb com port, and therefore pass in that com port as a parameter to the event.

  • Some RS232 device is detected, probably because a generic USB->RS232 dongle was attached
   ./MessageSend dcerouter $PK_Device -1001 2 65 55 "37|usb2/2-2/2-2:1.8" 52 2

Note the comm method is RS232, and the port "usb2/2-2/2-2:1.8" is specified. The plugin will run every detection script in DHCPDevice for all RS232 devices until one detection script reports a match.

  • An internal hard drive is detected
   ./MessageSend dcerouter $PK_Device -1001 2 65 55 "152|/dev/hdb1" 52 8 49 1790
  • Tripping security sensor with ID of 195 to ON :
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter 195 -1000 2 9 25 1
  • Play media (/home/public/data/tts/0.wav) on Xine player with ID of 44 :
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost 0 44 1 37 29 "" 41 "" 42 "" 59 "/home/public/data/tts/0.wav"
  • Report that light with ID of 210 is ON :
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter 210 -1000 2 48 10 1
  • The detection script should attempt to determine what device template is on the path using any appropriate means. If it finds a match, it should fire a message using the paramters it received, such as this:
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -r 0 $1 806 224 $2 13 "$4" 44 1752

which means the device is template 1752.

  • If the device template is not something that it can determine, send the message leaving off parameter 44 (ie leave off the 44 1752). If there is some error condition you want logged, add parameter 18, as this:
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend localhost -r 0 $1 806 224 $2 13 "$4" 18 "the com port doesn't exist" 
  • For a NAS this comes from dhcp monitor and has the ip/mac and plug and play plugin figures out what it is, like this:
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter 0 -1001 2 65 52 3 53 2 5 "00:0D:0B:99:10:43" 28 ""
  • For the “scan the network for windows shares” utility that always runs in the background, it explicitly sends a device detected event with the device template Generic File Server 1837, like this:
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter 0 -1001 2 65 52 3 53 2 49 1837 
  • Once the device is created, the configure script will be ran, for example: for the Buffalo Terastation. This script should lookup the username and password for the device from the database and fire a 'device detected' for each network share, as follows:
   /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter X -1001 2 65 52 3 53 2 49 1768 55 "182|1"

That that the X must be the device number of the fileserver, since the file share will be a child of that. 1768 is the template for a samba share, 1769 for nfs. If the share does not require a password, leave off the 55 "182|1". If the username and password already specified in the database are valid for the share, then instead of 55 "182|1" do 55 "127|username|128|password".