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The md5sum for the LinuxMCE 1.0 Install CD (linuxmce-1.0-packages.iso) is: 0c925976b65ba481271cbb133051fe3a

The mirrors should be coming online by the end of 24 March, PST.

U.S.: http://www.neversfw.com/linux/ (don't use the 'link to the linuxMCE installer .deb' just yet)

Australia: http://linuxmce.rtfm.net.au/linuxmce-1.0-packages.iso

Switzerland: http://mirror.hgkz.ch/ftp/iso/linuxmce/linuxmce-1.0-packages.iso ftp://mirror.hgkz.ch/iso/linuxmce/linuxmce-1.0-packages.iso rsync://mirror.hgkz.ch/linuxmce/