Nokia N800

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Revision as of 21:57, 17 November 2007 by Hari (Talk | contribs)

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Official Site Price: about $400/230€

Orbiter Installation


Nokia N800 works pretty well as a LinuxMCE Orbiter. Its WiFi is much more stable then the Nokia 770.

The Orbiter package and all dependences can be found in the Maemo garage, for information on how to use it read "Using Nokia770/N800 as a Plutohome Orbiter" on the SmartBlog.

Installation steps

This installation guide is for the N800 with OS2007.

Enable R&D Mode

Get the "flasher3.0" binary from the nokia page: Enter the following:

./flasher-3.0 --enable-rd-mode

Plug the N800 into USB and power on. After confirmation by the utility restart the device.

Enable "red pill" mode

Go to the program manager, go to the catalogs and add a new source. Put "matrix" in the adress field and push "cancel". Answer the question with "red pill".

Install dependencies

The following packages have to be installed manually (transfer to device and install via file or program manager:


Install the orbiter

Now install the orbiter package from the maemo garage:

linuxmceorbiter-0704-03_armel.deb (or later version)

Add new screen size to database

On the Core type the following as root:

use pluto_main
insert into Size (Description,Width,Height,ScaleX,ScaleY) VALUES('Nokia770',800,480,376,300);

Install fonts

Copy the Truetype fonts from the core to the N800 ("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/")

Create the orbiter in the LMCE administration interface

Add a new orbiter and select "Nokia770" as the screen size. After generation do a quick reload.

Go to orbit

much phun..

See also: