Updating mame

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Some links

Our Current Version of MAME/Metadata is: 0.143

You will need the following:

category ini file here: [1]

snaps here: [2]

Copy of MAME: [3]

Procedure for Updating MAME

Before you start

Be sure your lmce game database is up to date! run sqlCVS to update it:

/usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS -D lmce_game -H schema.linuxmce.org -R 5999 -r game update

1. Grab source tree

Check out, or update the latest source tree, if needed.

svn co http://svn.linuxmce.org/svn/branches/LinuxMCE-0810/

2. Compile MAME

Download MAME using above link, and compile as follows

unzip mame0143s.zip
mkdir mame
cd mame
unzip -p ../mame.zip
sudo cp mame /usr/local/bin

This will get you a working executable.

3. Compile lmce_game_update

cd src/lmce_game_update

4. put Category.ini in src/lmce_game_update

unzip MAME32-inifiles-0143u1.zip folders/Category.ini
mv folders/Category.ini .

5. run lmce_game_update

lmce_game_update -p /usr/local/bin/mame

This should take a few minutes, and will grab any roms that are not already in your copy of lmce_game database.

6. grab snapshots

Go to the Snaps link above, grab the latest updates. Then unpack them:

wget http://www.progettosnaps.net/snaps/pS_titles_upd_143.rar
unrar x pS_titles_upd_143.rar

The snapshots will decompress into snap/

7. Convert the .png to jpeg

I have included a script which does this.

rm *.png

you should now have a folder of new jpegs. These need to go into extras/snap in your SVN tree. Add them and check them in.

8. Check in your lmce_game metadata to match

/usr/pluto/sqlCVS -D lmce_game -H schema.linuxmce.org -R 5999 -r game -U username~password checkin

This will take a long time. Let it do its thing.

9. Check in the new MAME into ubuntu/sdlmame

Be sure to copy the new mame into ubuntu/sdlmame and run svn add * to update it

Feel free to expand this information as needed. --Tschak909 07:18, 16 July 2011 (CEST)