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Installation of LinuxMCE in a KVM Virtual Machine

On this page I will describe the installation process of LinuxMCE in a KVM virtual machine. As a host system I use proxmox, a very user friendly and easy to use bare metal hypervisor.

Download Required Software

Download Proxmox the latest version of proxmox: [1]

At the moment of this writing the current version is Proxmox VE 3.1

Download LinuxMCE [2]

At the moment of this writing the current version is LinuxMCE 1004 final

Adittionally if you are on Windows and want to use a usb-stick: (you do not need any addidional program on Linux)

Suse Studio Image Writer [3] to write the image to a usb-stick. UnetBootin and Rufus do not work.

Copying Image to USB-Stick

If you want to use a CD simply burn the iso to a cd.

On Linux

Please make sure that /dev/XYZ is the right device, as this delets all content. Please also note that this is the device WITHOUT the number for the partition. SO for example /dev/sdc AND NOT /dev/sdc1 pve-cd.iso is the current proxmox iso that you downloaded.

dd if=pve-cd.iso of=/dev/XYZ bs=1M

On Windows

First delete the partition of the usb-stick, else Suse Studio Image Writer might fail with a access failed error. Then rename the Proxmox iso that you downloaded from .iso to .raw. Run Suse Studio Image Writer, selct the drive and the image.

Base Installation of Proxmox

The graphical installation guide is straightforward and easy to understand. Please note though that the installer DELETS ALL PARTITIONS ON THE SELECTED DRIVE! So all data on that drive is lost! You might want to unhook all harddrives that have unsaved data on it just to make sure you do not pick the wrong one by accident.

Reboot and Settings

After the base installation reboot the system, and check if you put in the right ip data in the installation process. NOTE: if you have multiple newtork cards make sure you plug the cable into the right one, if you do not have network connection try the other one.


Networking should work out of the box, if it does you can ignore this chapter and continue with Update. Else: check if there is internet connectivity by pinging something.


If you want to change the network settings

nano /etc/network/interfaces

if you want to use dhcp for the public interface this should look like:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet dhcp

If you want to use static it should look something like that:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
      bridge_ports eth0
      bridge_stp off
      bridge_fd 0

if you did change some network setting run

/etc/init.d/networking restart



aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade

If you get the message

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

you can ignore it, or if rather not you can edit

nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list