EPG On Orbiter
The EPG screen for the orbiter would work like the file listing of the video and audio screens.
Different Sorted By
- Sorted by On Now
- Sorted by On Next
- Sorted by On Current Station
- Sorted by By Station
Sorted by On Now
This displays a list of currently running broadcasts. Clicking on a broadcasts shows a detail screen, allowing switching to the station and/or recording that program
Sorted by On Next
This displays a list of upcoming broadcast. Clicking on a broadcasts shows a detail screen, allowing switching to the station and/or recording that program
Sorted by On Current Station
This displays a list of all broadcasts from now on, on the current station. Clicking on a broadcasts shows a detail screen, allowing viewing and/or recording of that program
Sorted by Station
This displays a list of all available stations, without current program information. Clicking on a station, shows the same information as On Current Station.
The above setup would allow for some additional information be displayed on the list. It would simplify the display for all device sizes.