Mini-DCE eibd
From LinuxMCE
Install eibd
I compiled eibd from source:
Prerequisites (from README BCU SDK)
The BCU SDK needs the following software to be installed:
- A reasonably recent Linux system (e.g. Fedora Core 2 or Debian Sarge)
- GCC and G++ in version 3.3 or higher
- libxml2 (plus development files) 2.6.16 or higher
- flex (Debian users must install flex-old, if it is present, instead of flex)
- bison
- GNU make
- xsltproc (part of libxslt)
- xmllint (part of libxml2 sources)
- indent (if you want a readable source code for the PHP and Java clients)
- A java compiler and a jar tool, if you want to build the Java library.
Compile Pthsem
wget ./configure # (I add -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0 to the CFLAGS while compiling pthsem. There seems to be a problem with FORTIFY_SOURCE on some archtiectures.). make make install
Compile EIBD from BCU SDK
wget ./configure --without-pth-test --enable-onlyeibd --enable-eibnetiptunnel make make install
Now modify rc.local
/sbin/route add dev eth0 /usr/bin/eibd -i -u --eibaddr=0.0.1 --daemon=/var/log/eibd.log ipt:your_gateway_ip
Compile EIB_eibd
I modify the Makefile in src:
DCEDEVS=ZWave EIB-eibd Tongdy_RS485 # EnOcean_TCM120