User talk:Niz23
From LinuxMCE
Things I´m thinking about:
- Integrate MediaTomb/DLNA. Status: 2
- Learn how UpdateMedia work. status:2
- Think about how vdr integration can be done simpler.
MediaTomb is a more finished product than Fuppes.
Both support transcoding, but MediaTomb have a lot more features like scripting capabilities and MySQL backend support.
It can also create file that are virtual. Which mean when a user/client start to play them they are fetched in the background from an rtsp stream or something else.
Uses iNotify events to know when new files have been added.
Writes a ID3 tag file along your video media file.
Can extract pictures from mp3.
VDR Integration:
It use VDRPlugin in DECRouter mem space. A VDR device that interface against VDR itself.