qOrbiter is a new LinuxMCE orbiter designed to run on a multitude of devices as well as provide flexible skinning options to make it truly one's own. The purpose of this document now is for documentation of the app moving forward, followed by it being a reference for creating ones own skin
Button variables will be automatically set, so no programming will be needed. There will be variables provided so that skin designers can add information to their skin at will
The format is PropertyName: what it gives
- currentUser: the current orbiter user
- userList: listmodel of all users
There is also a component: UserListComponent.qml This component is totally skinnable and at its core contains a listmodel of all the users. In addition, it sets the current user whenever clicked.
- currentroom: the current room / ea
- roomList: list of ea's rooms
- component: RoomSelector.qml
Selects and set the current room and changes listmodels accordingly
Home Screen
List Models
These are prepared in c++ and provided to the QML. If you are creating a skin, you will use these variables to call certain arrays of objects like scenarios, or userlists. This makes it easier for the designer, as they information will be populated and they only need to fill in the variable.
- currentRoomLights: provides by room scenario list for lights. you will need to use your own delegate. a default is provided
- currentRoomMedia: provides by room scenario list for media. you will need to use your own delegate
- currentRoomClimate: provides by room scenario list for climate. you will need to use your own delegate
- currentRoomTelecom: provides by room scenario list for telecom. you will need to use your own delegate
- currentRoomSecurity: provides by room scenario list for security. you will need to use your own delegate
Data Grids
Datagrids will encompass these specific views and more to come. Currently, they are very basic and dont accept any styling but this will change over time.
- File List
- Device Arrays
- Lists
Media Grids
Colors such as background and button colors should be set in the style file of the qml skin. See 'Style1.qml' for reference on setting up property aliases.
Examples include:
property int orbiterH: 480 property int orbiterW: 800 property color stageBG: "slategray" property int homescreenrowheight:80 property int homescreenbuttonheight: 75 property int homesreenbuttonwidth: 75
Images can be loaded in multiple ways and will be discussed here in the future.