Express Controls EZmotion (HSM 100)

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Received sample from (those guys rock)


The EZMotion is a 3-in-1 Z-Wave sensor. This is also sold by Innovus and Homeseer (HSM100)

Manuf ID1: 0x0 ID2: 0x1e, Prod Typ1: 0x0 Typ2: 0x2, Prod ID1: 0x0 ID2: 0x1


  • Motion detection
  • Light sensor
  • Temperature sensor.


If you use SIS mode in your ZWave setup, this device should automatically be added as three multilevel sensors. If not, it is possible to set it up manually. If you are running SIS mode, you can delete the main device and re-add it as a motion detector, see below for details.

You will have one multilevel sensor added for the EZMotion. Find and open this from the device tree. We will change this to be the thermometer instance. Find the Port/Channel number. This is the node ID. Change the Port/Channel number to <node id>/3 (for instance 4/3 if your node id is 4), type to Thermometer, insert 49 in Capabilities, and save.

Add a new device below the ZWave Embedded Climate Interface using the same device template (Multilevel sensor). Insert <node id>/2 in Port/Channel number, insert 49 in Capabilities and save. This will be the brightness sensor. Please notice that the values returned from this sensor ranges from 0 to 100% and is relative to the light measured since X (see the manual).

Then we add the Motion detector. This will not be added automatically even when running the SIS mode. Open the ZWave Embedded Security Interface and click Create New Child. Select the Motion Detector template. Insert <node id> in Port/Channel number, Motion Detector in type, 133,96,49,112,132,128,114,119,134 in Capabilities, and save.

Reload router and you should receive events from all three sensors. The motion detector will also report a values(which is not sent to LMCE atm.). This value if the number of minutes since last motion was detected, and 0 if no motion was detected. See the manual for more information.

Command classes

0x4 0x21 0x1

