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Revision as of 21:30, 11 November 2007 by Zaerc (Talk | contribs) (some examples)

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link on wikipedia

You can look at "edit" of this page to see how the following simple markup works:

This is how you can do a section header

Which can be nested by adding more equal signs

The headings will be put into a table of contents at the top, but only when the page gets long enough I think.

  • This is an unordered (bullit) list.
    • These can also be nested

  1. This is an ordered (numbered) list
    1. I think these can be nested as well

This will be indented
Indented more

Lines starting with a space will be "preformatted", and placed in one of those typical dotted boxes.

Italic text

bold text

italic and bold

Urls are automaticly recognized, but there are more possibilities. For example: http://some.domain/page.html shows the URL 'as is' [1] shows up as an increasing number alternative text shows up as "alternative text"

other wiki page link to other_wiki_page, shows as "other wiki page" alternative text link to other_wiki_page, shows as "alternative text"

this will stop the wiki from applying formatting, useful if you don't want url's turned into links for instance: http://some.domain/page.html

Alternatively you can also use the standard HTML tags.