How to create XML files describing extra packages for LinuxMCE Add Software subsystem

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  • XML file should contain the description of one or few extra packages.
  • All packages must be listed inside of tag <packages></packages>
  • Information about each package should be inside of tag <package></package>

The information about of the package consists of the following sections: icon, title, description, homeurl, category, downloadurl, packagename, misc, version, target, importance, PC_Type, Required_Version_Min, Required_Version_Max.


icon - the PNG picture of the package encoded by base64 encoder,

homeurl - URL of the package or of the program

downloadurl - url to download the package without its filename or URL of the Debian repository(must begin from deb)

packagename - filename or name of the package

version - version of the package

target - target audience of the package(ie dummy, sophisticated user, techie, coder)

importance - importance level: must have, nicety, niche

PC_Type - type of device for(can be "S", "M", or "SM", where s=server and m=media player)

Required_Version_Min, Required_Version_Max - Maximum and minimum required versions of the LinuxMCE system.

You may leave some items empty, just type "/" in the end of the tag, like <icon/>

Example of the XML file:

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'?>
		<title>Title of the package</title>
		<description>The long, long, long synopsis</description>
		<homeurl>a link to a home page</homeurl>

To add to XML file the picture do:

echo -ne "<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'?>\n<packages>\n\t<package>\n\t\t<icon>\n">package.xml
echo -ne "\t\t</icon>\n">>package.xml

and so on.