LinuxMCE Admin Website

From LinuxMCE
Revision as of 22:14, 8 October 2010 by Langstonius (Talk | contribs)

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If you were directed here from your Admin page, see the Help section.

The LinuxMCE Admin web site is used to setup and configure your LinuxMCE system. It also allows you to do a lot of other tasks, such as to check your voice-mail, organize your media, etc. The web site runs on the LinuxMCE Core. You can access it from the Core web browser, or from any other computer connected to the network.

Access to the LinuxMCE Admin Website

From a Core or Media Director desktop

A button is available on the Launch Manager that is displayed on a Core or Media Director desktop:

  • Open admin website

From within your home

You can access the LinuxMCE Admin website from any web browser (Mozilla Firefox, IE, Safari):

  • In the browser address bar, type the URL http://<core_ip>/pluto-admin.
  • From within the "internal" LinuxMCE LAN, for example:
      • (This assumes the IP address range set by default at installation.)
  • You can also use the network name of the Core in place of the IP address. For example, if the Core was named "dcerouter" during the default installation, you could use:
    • http://dcerouter/pluto-admin
  • From the "external" home LAN, the core_ip would be the LAN IP address of the core. If, for example, the core is at on the home LAN, use:

From the Internet

You could use the IP address:port for your home LAN, with port forwarding to the Core's LAN IP address (enabled by your home LAN router).

  • This is an advanced topic and may not be secure in the current version..

By default, the LinuxMCE Admin web site is not accessible outside your home. This makes the system secure, but it prevents you from accessing the web site via the Internet while away from home. You can turn on Internet access, allowing access to the admin website anywhere. For your own security, however, we recommend you first read about Security & Privacy Issues.

Login page

  • The login page should be displayed. Input an existing user name and password, then click "Login".

LinuxMCE Admin Website Sections

Admin page structure

LinuxMCE is a modular platform with a wide variety of optional modules and devices. Generally, each module will have one or more web pages to configure when using that module. The LinuxMCE Admin web site has a pull-down menu that lets you quickly access any of those pages. The menu options for each particular home will be unique, depending on the configuration.

Two menu options will always be displayed.

  • The Wizard is the commonly used way to configure and setup your LinuxMCE system. When you choose Wizard, you will see a series of steps that depends on what devices you have installed in your home. The pages in the Wizard section are intended to be simple for the average user. Context-sensitive help is provided through a "Help" button.
  • There are more low level options under the Advanced option.


Basic Info



Events Handler







Privacy Settings


  • Update
  • Checkin
  • Diff
  • View Batch


  • Device Data
  • Commands
  • Events



Files & Media


  • My Voicemail
  • General Voicemail
  • Phone book
  • Call Routing
  • Priority Callers
  • Callers for me

The following is leftover from another page:


Doing development against the linuxMCE web administration requires acessing the files either locally with your editor of choice, or even remotely. Its also a good idea to install phpmyadmin, which will let you view the tables and such associated with the linuxMCE installation your working with. The web admin is located on your core in /var/www/lmce-admin and in the svn under 'web'.

It currently employs a large index file with case switching for the majority of pages, with those pages then leading to others relating to their specific function. The database also employs ADODB for most of the operations involving database transactions. Pages involve the use of template's with javascript objects writing data to the page. Please note, this is quite the basic overview.

Network Share Method

The most simple method of making /lmce-admin available for editing outside of the core on your local network involves modifying samba. Please note: samba fixes itself on reboot and you will need to modify the config again to regain access to the files.

Edit /etc/samba/samba.conf and add this before the last line:

comment = Web server files
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
path = /var/www
public = no
guest ok = no
force user = www-data
force group = www-data

Then restart samba by typing into the console

/etc/init.d/samba restart

And now the lmce-admin directory will appear as a share on the local network.

Adding custom entries in LinuxMCE Admin menus

Currently only option is to enter entries into Pluto_main database, table PageSetup. There you'll find other entries already, go to the end and add yours (but be careful not to break anything and also save your changes, cause they can probably lost in migration or updates - not sure)...

Anyway for simple test I've created two entries: "Tinia" as main menu entry (after Telecom) and then subentry for phpmyadmin that I frequently use. If I highlight only important fields, my entries look like this :

PK_PageSetup FK_..._Parent Website OrderNum FK_Package Description   pageURL                   showInTopMenu
190  	    NULL  	        1  	70  	NULL  	Tinia  	   	                                 1  	
191 	    190 	        1 	0 	NULL 	PHPMyAdmin 	1

If FK_PageSetup_Parent is empty, then you'll have main entry on green main bar. If you want subentry, then you just specify PK_PageSetup of your parent in FK_PageSetup_Parent. You can also add URL