LinuxMCE sqlCVS commit Procedure

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NOTE: This is the tentative procedure for handling sqlCVS commits

* Step 1: Create a Mantis ticket for the commit.
  This should describe in detail what the purpose of the commit is.
  Each commit should only fix one bug or add one feature.
  If sql2cpp must be run this should be noted in the ticket as well.
  If there is any code associated with the commit it should be attached to the ticket.
* Step 2: Validate your sqlCVS setup with "sqlCVS -v"
  If there are any problems please fix these before doing the commit.
* Step 3: Commit the change to with a comment that refers to the Mantis ticket.
  Use the command line tool "/usr/bin/pluto/sqlCVS", and commit using "-U anonymous~nopass".
  The comment and the reference to the Mantis ticket will allow the person validating the
  commit to find the commit in sqlCVS.
  (Now monitor the ticket for any reported problems)
* Step 4: Someone other than the person committing the fix will validate the sqlCVS commit.
  (If any problems are found going through these steps note this on the Mantis ticket and stop.)
    Step A: pull the anonymous commit.
    Step B: Run "sqlCVS -v"
    Step C: Check the commit for any duplicate vendor or product names.
    Step D: Check the mantis ticket to see if the description is complete.
    Step E: If sql2cpp must be run with this database, do that as well and commit the code.
    Step F: If there is any associated code, make sure that gets committed as well.
    Step G: Commit the change under your own validated login.
    Step H: Note the commit batch in the Mantis ticket and close the ticket.