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VPN (Virtual Private Networking) offers a lot of potential for connecting multiple cores (between houses, apartments, etc.). This would enable families and friends to share security cameras, call/intercom each other for free via Asterisk, pipe security notifications to every device at every connected residence, and possibly even share media (legality?)

Requirements for a VPN plugin

  • Security
    • Encryption
    • Secure method of "pairing" houses

This could be done by sharing a public key with whomever you wish to pair with. User 1 would enter User 2's public key along with an optional message. User 2 would manually approve User 1 for pairing, and the cores would connect securly via VPN and automatically share security notifications and anything else set in a settings panel.

  • Options panel for data to share with "paired" cores

Wish List

Add what you would like VPN to make possible in LinuxMCE

External Links

  1. OpenVPN