Vim Tips & Tricks

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</table>Source: Efficient Editing With vim

Writing code

Ctrl+n or Ctrl+p 
Autocomplete ;)
Just like p, but it automatically adjusts the indent level of the pasted code to match that of the code you paste into. Try it!
Putting the cursor on a brace, bracket, or parenthese and pressing % will send the cursor to the matching brace, bracket, or parenthese. Great for fixing parse problems related to heavily nested blocks of code or logic.
Indent the highlighted code. (See the earlier section about efficient text selection. If no text is selected, the current line is indented.)
Like >>, but un-indents.
Go to the definition (or declaration) of the function or variable under the cursor.
Go to the man page for the word currently under the cursor. (For instance, if your cursor is currently over the word sleep, you will see the man page for sleep displayed.)