X11 locking

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This page was written by Pluto and imported with their permission when LinuxMCE branched off in February, 2007. In general any information should apply to LinuxMCE. However, this page should be edited to reflect changes to LinuxMCE and remove old references to Pluto.

Using X11 locking in Orbiter

   In OrbiterLinux there are 2 new functions:

X_LockDisplay() and X_UnlockDisplay(); which should be used before and after calling X11/SDL functions which update the display, or change the mouse position


class_name::some_drawing_function() {

   OrbiterLinux *pOrbiterLinux = dynamic_cast<OrbiterLinux *>(pOrbiter);
   // or, better, make a member variable from pOrbiterLinux,
   // and initialize it before this function would be called
   // non-critical code
   if (pOrbiterLinux)
   // critical code here
   if (pOrbiterLinux)
   // non-critical code


The dynamic_cast should return NULL only if you are not compiling the Linux version.

Links to documents

http://svn.plutohome.com/pluto/trunk/src/docs/X11_PLUTO.txt http://svn.plutohome.com/pluto/trunk/src/docs/X11_NOTES.txt