From LinuxMCE
- Agenda
- It is expected that meeting participants will be familiar with this agenda and the resources it links to
- Any one may add to the agenda - just put your name next to the topic
- Time and Place
- This meeting will be held on IRC.
- Date: Tuesday, May 19
- Time: 14:00 GMT/UTC, 10:00AM New York, 16:00 Berlin Time, 15:00 London Time
- Duration: 1.5 hour maximum
- Server: irc.freenode.net
- Channel: #linuxmce-meeting
- In case anyone is reading this: I am strongly opposing changing the meeting from an IRC meeting to an audio meeting - To many disadvantages in an audio meeting, like ability to understand people, ability to mark specific things for feature reference, to name just a few.
Items from previous meeting
- Standardized testing procedures (hari)
- 0810 Release Scheduling (NO ONE)
- Improved defect tracking (jimbodude)
I propose to better take care of the milestones in trac, and move all open tickets to milestone beta or further out. (and I will take care of it, if there is a consent posde)
0810 Progress Review
- Review of major bugs
0810 Short Term Goals
- Defects to address
- Features to implement
High Level Design Discussions
- Is DVD Install a blocker for Beta? (posde)
- MythTV recording directory structure (jondecker)
Items deferred from previous meeting
- Discuss possibility of running our own new_install script on www.linuxmce.org and assigning our own installation ID's - (jondecker76)
- Who knows if and/or when plutohome.com will disappear along with the script that is currently used.
- Since we are our own entity at this point and very active in changing the direction of LMCE, I'd also like to see us start all over with installation ID #1 starting with 0810.
- This will cleanly separate us from pluto and provide insurance that we can continue to assign new installation ID's in the future (especially important once linking installations is possible).
- Old pluto installation ID's can be re-assigned for upgrades from 0710 with a post-upgrade script.
- This change can be made in a matter of an hour.
- LinuxFund
- 501(c)(3)
- Schedule next meeting
- Asynchronous scheduling communication