Chromoflex RGB LED
Version | Status | Date Updated | Updated By |
710 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
810 | working | 5th May 2010 | posde |
1004 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
1204 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
1404 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
Usage Information |
The Chromoflex is a RGB LED controller supporting serial control with rs232. The protocol is documented (USP3). One can atttach multiple units to a single interface (but only broadcasts supported for now).
The new Chromoflex_USP3 device template in 0810 supports the protocol, we've introduced a new "Light Device (RGB)" with a Set_Level_RGB command. On/Off/set level are mapped to rgb values. It is created as default child when adding the unit from the web admin. PnP won't be supported, as the unit does not send characters back, so no way to auto-detect it.
Video clip showing control of a RGB stripe from an IPAQ orbiter:
Protocol specification
Relevant registers
The „Level“ is the current value of a channel (0 is „OFF“, 255 is full „ON“). If different from the appropriate „Set“ it is adjusted periodically.
- Adr 4: Red_Set
- Adr 5: Green_Set
- Adr 6: Blue_Set
- Adr 7: X-Set
The „Set“ is the target value. Of course, to allow changes it must be >0.
- Adr 8: Red_Increment
- Adr 9: Green_Increment
- Adr 10: Blue_Increment
- Adr 11: X_Increment
The „Increment“ is the increment which is used to change the „Level“ until „Set“ is reached.
- Adr 17: Track
The „Track“ determines the speed of the color transitions. It specifies the number of 1/100 seconds after which the „Level“ is adjusted to the „Set“. If set to 1 and „Increment“ is 1 too, a complete change from Level 0 to 255 of any color needs 2.55 seconds. For slower changes it is recommended to set al „Increments“ to 1 and to set Track to a value of >= 1.
- Adr 18: Status
The Status Byte contains some bits for external control. „Status“ must be set to 1. In this case any on-board effect is stopped and only color changes (via „Level“, „Set“ and „Increment“ are performed).
Sample Setup
The following is NOT verified
- A controller is needed, for example Chromoflex II - 45EUR.
- A power supply is needed, for example this - 30EUR.
- A LED strip is needed, for example this 50cm RGB stripe - 25EUR, or this 5m RGB strip - 180EUR.
The good thing about chromoflex is, that you extend it by daisy chaining the controllers. Each controller needs its own power supply.
A starter set containing most stuff, excluding the RS-232 cable, is available as well. When buying stuff, make sure the stripes and controller have the same layout for the common wire, i.e. all common+, or all common-.