Event Table

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This is the Event table as of 0810. You can see what parameters each of these Events take by going into web admin, clicking on Advanced > DCE > Events.

mysql> select PK_Event, Description FROM Event;
| PK_Event | Description               |
|       -1 | Interval Timer            | 
|        1 | Touch or click            | 
|        2 | Playback Info Changed     | 
|        3 | Media Inserted            | 
|        4 | Mobile orbiter detected   | 
|        5 | Mobile orbiter linked     | 
|        6 | Mobile orbiter lost       | 
|        7 | Menu Onscreen             | 
|        8 | Error Occured             | 
|        9 | Sensor Tripped            | 
|       11 | PVR Rec Sched Conflict    | 
|       12 | Playback Completed        | 
|       14 | PBX_CommandResult         | 
|       15 | PBX_Ring                  | 
|       16 | Security Breach           | 
|       17 | Fire Alarm                | 
|       18 | Reset Alarm               | 
|       19 | Watching Media            | 
|       20 | Stopped Watching Media    | 
|       21 | Listening to Media        | 
|       22 | Stopped Listening To Medi | 
|       23 | MythTV Channel Changed    | 
|       24 | New Device Created        | 
|       25 | Temperature Changed       | 
|       26 | Humidity Changed          | 
|       27 | Thermostat Set Point Chan | 
|       28 | On                        | 
|       29 | Off                       | 
|       30 | Follow Me Lighting        | 
|       31 | Follow Me Climate         | 
|       32 | Follow Me Media           | 
|       33 | Follow Me Telecom         | 
|       34 | Follow Me Security        | 
|       36 | Incoming Call             | 
|       37 | Voice Mail Changed        | 
|       38 | Reload Aborted            | 
|       39 | Air Quality               | 
|       40 | Doorbell                  | 
|       41 | Monitor Mode              | 
|       42 | Movement Detected         | 
|       43 | House Mode Changed        | 
|       44 | Presence Detected         | 
|       45 | Presence Lost             | 
|       46 | Media Identified          | 
|       47 | New Version available     | 
|       48 | Device On/Off             | 
|       49 | AV Input Changed          | 
|       50 | Media Description Changed | 
|       51 | Sunrise                   | 
|       52 | Sunset                    | 
|       53 | New Mac Address Detected  | 
|       54 | Reporting Child Devices   | 
|       55 | Download Config Done      | 
|       56 | PBX_Hangup                | 
|       57 | Device Configured         | 
|       58 | Playback Started          | 
|       59 | VoIP Problem Detected     | 
|       60 | PnP Set Device Template   | 
|       61 | PnP Pre Config Response   | 
|       62 | PnP Do Config Response    | 
|       63 | PnP Post Config Response  | 
|       64 | Low System Disk Space     | 
|       65 | Device Detected           | 
|       66 | Device Removed            | 
|       67 | Alarm panel mode change   | 
|       68 | Application Exited        | 
|       69 | MythTV Show Recorded      | 
|       70 | User/Password Mismatch    | 
|       71 | Volume Changed            | 
|       72 | Channel Scan Progress     | 
|       73 | Media List Changed        | 
|       74 | Done Detecting Devices    | 
|       75 | Extensions Status         | 
|       76 | Calls Status              | 
|       77 | PBX_Link                  | 
|       78 | Thermostat Mode Changed   | 
|       79 | Fan Mode Changed          | 
|       80 | Brightness Changed        | 
|       81 | State Changed             | 
|       82 | Media Removed             | 
|       83 | CO2 Level Changed         | 
|       84 | Voltage Changed           | 
|       85 | Power Usage Changed       | 
|       86 | Energy Cost Changed       | 
84 rows in set (0.00 sec)