From LinuxMCE
About this device
- 350MHz Freescale iMX21 MC94MX21DVKN3 ARM9 controller
- Samsung 64MB SDRAM on 32-bit data path
- Hynix HY27US 64MB NAND Flash ROM
- Three USB 2.0 full speed ports, one internal, two external
- Xterasys 3135G 802.11g USB Wifi adapter (ralink chipset)
- DataImage 320hx240v 16bpp TFT display with touchscreen
- Texas Instruments TSC2100 Programmable Touchscreen Controller with Stereo DAC Datasheet
- 2W stereo speakers, with headphone jack
- Built-in microphone
- "Bend" switch
- Kionix KXP74-1050 3-axis accelerometer
- STMicroelectronics STR711FR0/1 ARM7 "crypto" processor
- Soft-switch on power, controlled by crypto processor
- TTL serial port @38400 8N1
This device would make an excellent orbiter for anywhere in the home. With a bit of tinkering it shouldn't be too difficult to set-up. The current chumby wiki provides ample aide in writing for the chumby.